DTrace - heldersrvio/PureDarwin GitHub Wiki


This page is about the DTrace facility in "Darwin-land".


  1. 1 What is DTrace?
    1. 1.1 Pros
    2. 1.2 Cons
  2. 2 Examples
    1. 2.1 A real world example: show missing files
    2. 2.2 A cliché example: "Hello world!"
      1. 2.2.1 Inline
      2. 2.2.2 In a file
    3. 2.3 Detect new process (successfully started)
    4. 2.4 Detect sigkill
    5. 2.5 Detect promiscuous mode changes
    6. 2.6 Watch setuid/setgid calls
    7. 2.7 Classic examples
  3. 3 D Programming language
    1. 3.1 A generic D script example
    2. 3.2 Probes and providers
      1. 3.2.1 Probe syntax
      2. 3.2.2 Listing probes
      3. 3.2.3 Available providers
      4. 3.2.4 Default variables
      5. 3.2.5 Macro variables
    3. 3.3 Predicate (optional)
    4. 3.4 Action (optional)
    5. 3.5 Kernel destructive actions
      1. 3.5.1 "-w" flag required for...
  4. 4 References

What is DTrace?

According to man dtrace:

The dtrace command is a generic front-end to the DTrace facility. The 
command  implements  a  simple  interface to invoke the D language com-
piler, the ability to retrieve buffered trace data from the DTrace ker-
nel  facility,  and  a set of basic routines to format and print traced

Simply, DTrace is:

  • a dynamic debugger and analysis tool (first appeared in Solaris 10 and OpenSolaris, then in Mac OS X 10.5)
  • a D programming language interpreter 
  • a monitoring tool (ie: Observing devices, such as disk or network activity) 
  • a profiling tool (performance analysis) 
  • a process, library, user function, (some) kernel function, the operating system (itself) inspector tool 
  • a bug finder
  • scalable 

DTrace may also be used as (or be a part of) 

  • a malware investigation tool 
  • a process deciphering tool 
  • a Troubleshooting software bugs 
  • a partial intrusion detection system 
  • an educative software (in order to explore, and understand how this operating system works) Notes: Although PureDarwin is focused on i386, DTrace supports most of common architectures (-arch i386|x86_64|ppc|ppc64). In Mac OS X 10.5, Instruments.app found in developer tools is another front-end to the DTrace facility. Warning: If the operating system becomes too busy or if you attempt to trace too many events (ie: all function entry related to the kernel), DTrace can drop events and even abort tracing and execution. Consequently, security auditing with DTrace is impacted and more, system() action is not synchronous (so unreliable for security purpose).


  • Every process, or specific processes, can be traced "simultaneously".
  • Output is fully flexible.
  • Nanosecond timestamp for function execution measurements.
  • Minimum performance impact when used smartly.
  • No need to restart anything in order to trace.
  • Relatively safe.


  • Partially supported (around 20K probes available instead of 60K) on Darwin (dtrace -l | wc -l returns 22466).
  • DTrace cannot fetch low levels hardware data.
  • Performance impact when probe count goes under 36,000 probes (every kernel function entry/return) and 100,000 probes function in user-land. Consequently, not really suited for security auditing, because DTrace may drop events if the system is really busy or simply (but dramatically in this case) abort.
  • Need to be run as root (not sure it should belong to "cons" part).


A real world example: show missing files

On Linux systems, "strace -eopen -f ... 2>&1 | grep ENOENT" can be used to see which files a process tries to open. Using dtrace, the equivalent is:

  1. Open two terminals
  2. In the first terminal, run: opensnoop -ex
  3. In the second terminal, run the command that you want to inspect In the first terminal, you will see the files that are tried to be opened but fail to open (e.g., ENOENT).

A cliché example: "Hello world!"


dtrace -n "BEGIN { trace("Hello World!"); exit(0);}" dtrace: description 'BEGIN ' matched 1 probe CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME   0      1                           :BEGIN   Hello World!

In a file

Edit and save Hello.d: BEGIN  trace("Hello World!");  exit(0);  } Then run the script: dtrace -s Hello.d  dtrace: script 'Hello.d' matched 1 probe CPU     ID                    FUNCTION:NAME   0      1                           :BEGIN   Hello World!

Detect new process (successfully started)

proc:::exec-success { printf("%s(pid=%d) started by uid - %dn",execname, pid, uid); }

Detect sigkill

proc:::signal-send /args[2] == SIGKILL/ {   printf("to %s",args[1]->pr_fname);   printf(" at %d", timestamp);   printf(" by (%d)", uid);   printf(" from %sn", execname); }

Detect promiscuous mode changes

fbt:mach_kernel:ifnet_set_promiscuous:* {    printf("%s", execname); }

Watch setuid/setgid calls

/* '' == {entry|return} / fbt:mach_kernel:setuid: {    printf("%s", execname); } fbt:mach_kernel:setgid: {    printf("%s", execname); }

Classic examples

DTrace one-liners The DTraceToolkit (~100 scripts) D Programming language

It seems to have been based on C language for some parts. (please add text)

  1. D programs are compiled in user-land
  2. And sent to the DTrace virtual machine in the kernel-land
  3. Then run inside the kernel's address space (not in the DTrace process, nor in the target process) Most of the times, you will use copyin or copyinstr in order to copy data from user-land to kernel-land:
     copyin()      Copies len bytes of data from the user-space address uaddr                    to the kernel-space address kaddr.      copyinstr()   Copies a NUL-terminated string, at most len bytes long,                    from user-space address uaddr to kernel-space address                    kaddr.  The number of bytes actually copied, including the                    terminating NUL, is returned in *done. ### A generic D script example `probe description /predicate/ {    action }`{style="font-family:courier new,monospace"} ### Probes and providers A provider is a collection of probe. #### Probe syntax Four fields describe a probe: provider:module:function:name Examples: fbt:mach_kernel:setuid:entry syscall::open*:entry Notes: Some special characters *, ?, [, and ] are allowed. * is the well known wildcard extension.  ? character is for any single character in the name.  [ and ] characters are used to specify a set of specific characters in the name. #### Listing probes dtrace -l lists all available probes.

   ID   PROVIDER            MODULE                          FUNCTION NAME     1     dtrace                                                     BEGIN     2     dtrace                                                     END     3     dtrace                                                     ERROR     4   lockstat       mach_kernel                      lck_mtx_lock adaptive-acquire [...]

22527 plockstat1 libSystem.B.dylib    pthread_rwlock_unlock$UNIX2003 rw-release

Available providers

Some providers (non exhaustive list):

 Probe name  Description  fbt  Function boundary tracing

 io  Physical I/O requests/events  mach_trap  Kernel traps

 proc  Process functions

 profile  Sample count activity?

 syscall  Kernel system calls


Default variables


** Variable name**  Description

 arg0...argN  Function arguments and return value  curpsinfo  Structure of current process information  errno  Error code  execname  Processname  pid  Process id  probefunc  Probe function name  probename  Probe name  tid  Thread id  timestamp  Nanoseconds since boot

Macro variables

FIXME +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ | <span | <span | | style="font-weight:bold"> Macro | style="font-weight:bold"> Descripti | | name | on | | | | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $[0-9]+ |  macro arguments | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $egid |  effective group id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $euid |  effective user id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $gid |  real group id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $pid |  process id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $pgid |  process group id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $ppid |  parent process id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $projid |  project id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $sid |  session id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $target |  target process id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $taskid |  task id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+ |  $uid |  real user id | +--------------------------------------+--------------------------------------+

Predicate (optional)

When the predicate evaluates to true, "action" is executed.

** Predicate Name** ** Description**

 cpu == 0  true if the probe executes on cpu0  ppid !=0  true if the parent process id is not 0

 arg0 == 0  true if first argument is 0  ppid !=0 && arg0 == 0  ...

Action (optional)

C-style functions and semicolon (;) separation for the "body". Examples: printf(), ustack(), trace, ...

Kernel destructive actions

Understand "destructive for the running OS".

"-w" flag required for...

-w  permit destructive actions

  • void stop()
  • voir raise()
  • void breakpoint(void)
  • void chill(int nanoseconds)
  • void panic(void) panic: We are hanging here...  It can force a kernel crash dump. FIXME
References ---------- [man dtrace](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/dtrace.1.html) [man dtruss](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/dtruss.1m.html) [man procsystime](http://developer.apple.com/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man1/procsystime.1m.html) Jon Haslam. , Sun Microsystems, 2008. Glenn Brunette & Jon Haslam. Enhancing Security Awareness with DTrace, Sun Microsystems, 2006. How To Use DTrace. , Sun Microsystems, 2005. Solaris Dynamic Tracing Guide. , Sun Microsystems, 2005.
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