4. For developers - heldersrvio/PureDarwin GitHub Wiki
For developers
In order to do any serious PureDarwin development, please familiarize yourself with the DarwinBuild project and the MacPorts project, as these are the key components of building software for Darwin.
PureDarwin releases
See PureDarwin Xmas. If you want to have a look at a minimalistic bootable Darwin 9 system, check out PureDarwin nano.
Testers wanted
To qualify as a tester for the current PureDarwin installer, you'll need
- An Intel Mac with Leopard (to run the installer and to test whether the PureDarwin USB drive can be booted)
- A USB drive, 1GB or larger (will be completely erased)
- Latest VMware or VirtualBox release
- Fast Internet connection (to download Darwin 9 packages)
- A good backup since there are absolutely no guarantees
Please contact us in irc #puredarwin if you want to be a tester.
Useful tools
A utility for browsing through the contents of binary roots is available. It currently covers Darwin build 9F33, and provides links to relevant source code, and binaries.
Darwin mailing lists
Have a look at the Darwin mailing lists.
This wiki is a place for users and developers alike to document and discuss Darwin. See below for some pages we have already started.