% gatsby recipes
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Select a recipe to run
Add a custom ESLint config
Add Jest
Add Gatsby Theme Blog
Add Gatsby Theme Blog Core
Add Gatsby Theme Notes
Add persistent layout component with gatsby-plugin-layout
Add Theme UI
Add Emotion
Add support for MDX Pages
Add support for MDX Pages with images
Add Styled Components
>>Add Tailwind
Add Sass
Add Typescript
Add Cypress testing
Add animated page transition support
Add plugins to make site a PWA
Add React Helmet
Add GitHub Pages deployment with Travis CI
Add Headless WordPress integration
Add Storybook - JavaScript
Add Storybook - TypeScript
Add Preact
Add GitLab CI/CD
Setup Gatsby with Tailwind CSS
Tailwind CSS (https://tailwindcss.com/) is a highly customizable, low-level CSS framework that gives you all of the building blocks you need to build bespoke designs without any annoying opinio
nated styles you have to fight to override.
Step 1 / 3
Install necessary NPM packages
Proposed changes
* Install tailwindcss@latest
* Install gatsby-plugin-postcss@latest
Step 1
Install necessary NPM packages
✅ Installed NPM package [email protected]
✅ Installed NPM package [email protected]
Step 2 / 3
Install necessary Gatsby Plugins
Proposed changes
* Install gatsby-plugin-postcss in gatsby-config.js
- Original - 1
+ Modified + 0
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
* See: https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/gatsby-config/
module.exports = {
/* Your site config here */
plugins: [
* Write tailwind.config.js
- Original - 1
+ Modified + 11
- module.exports = {}
+ module.exports = {
+ purge: [
+ './src/**/*.js',
+ ],
+ theme: {
+ extend: {}
+ },
+ variants: {},
+ plugins: []
+ }
* Write src/styles/tailwind.css
- Original - 0
+ Modified + 5
+ @tailwind base;
+ @tailwind components;
+ @tailwind utilities;
* Write src/pages/usingtailwind.js
- Original - 0
+ Modified + 7
+ import React from 'react'
+ import '../styles/tailwind.css'
+ export default () => (
+ <h1 className="text-3xl">This is a 3xl text</h1>
+ )
* Write tailwind.config.js
- Original - 1
+ Modified + 11
- module.exports = {}
+ module.exports = {
+ purge: [
+ './src/**/*.js',
+ ],
+ theme: {
+ extend: {}
+ },
+ variants: {},
+ plugins: []
+ }
* Write src/styles/tailwind.css
- Original - 0
+ Modified + 5
+ @tailwind base;
+ @tailwind components;
+ @tailwind utilities;
* Write src/pages/usingtailwind.js
- Original - 0
+ Modified + 7
+ import React from 'react'
+ import '../styles/tailwind.css'
+ export default () => (
+ <h1 className="text-3xl">This is a 3xl text</h1>
+ )