App Features - hazeluwuz/Flair-BnB GitHub Wiki

User Authentication

  • New users can create an account
  • New users are able to login via a Demo Account
  • Existing users can log in and view their listings, and reviews
  • Only logged in users can create a review/spot.
  • Users are able to logout and be redirected to the home page.


  • There is a splash page that will contain a list of all available spots
  • Users may click one of these listings, to view a more in depth page of all the spots details.
  • Logged in Users are able to create a spot listing
  • Logged in Users can view all spots that exist
  • Users are able to delete spots that they created


  • Users can create a review for a spot
  • Users can view their reviews that they created
  • All reviews for an existing spot will be displayed when visiting that spots details page
  • Users can delete their own reviews