Stadium (.hbs) File - haxball/haxball-issues GitHub Wiki

HaxBall Stadium File (.hbs)

A HaxBall stadium file is a text file with json5 format which contains a single StadiumObject.


StadiumObjects are the root object of a stadium file.

name : string

The name of the stadium.

width: float

The width of a rectangle centered in coordinates <0,0> in which the camera will be contained. The camera follows the player and ball until it reaches the bounds of this rectanngle.

height: float

The height of a rectangle centered in coordinates <0,0> in which the camera will be contained. The camera follows the player and ball until it reaches the bounds of this rectanngle.

maxViewWidth : float

The maximum allowed width viewable width for the level. If the player screen were wide enough for him to see more width than maxViewWidth then the the game will zoom in to prevent that.

Setting maxViewWidth to 0 disables this feature.

Default value: 0

cameraFollow : string

Changes the camera following behaviour.

If set to "player" the camera will follow the player only, ignoring the ball.

If set to "ball" the camera will follow the average position between the player and the ball, the camera will prioritize the player in case player and ball are too far apart.

Default value: "ball"

spawnDistance : float

The distance from <0,0> at which the teams will spawn during kickoff. This value is ignored if redSpawnPoints or blueSpawnPoints are not empty.

canBeStored : Boolean

This value defines whether this stadium can be stored with the /store command.

Default value: true

kickOffReset : String

Can be set to either "full" or "partial".

When set to "partial" only the ball and player discs are reset for the kickoff.

When set to "full" all discs will be reset for the kickoff.

Default value: "partial"

bg : BackgroundObject

An object describing the background for the stadium.

traits : TraitsObject

A map of traits. See TraitsObject documentation for an explanation of usage.

vertexes : Vertex[]

List of vertexes.

segments : Segment[]

List of segments.

goals : Goal[]

List of goals.

discs : Disc[]

List of discs.

planes : Plane[]

List of planes.

joints : Joint[]

List of joints.

redSpawnPoints : float[][]

List of spawn points used for the red team kickoff.

If the list is empty then the default spawn behaviour is employed.

When a player is moved into a team after a game has started he will be positioned in the last point in this list. (Unless the list is empty in which case the old spawn behaviour is employed)

Example: "redSpawnPoints" : [[100, 0], [100, 30], [100, -30], [100, 60], [100, -60], [130,0]]

Default value: []

blueSpawnPoints : float[][]

Same as redSpawnPoints but for the blue team.

playerPhysics : PlayerPhysics

Object describing the player physics.

If omitted player default player physics will be used.

ballPhysics : Disc

The Disc used to create the ball. The collision flags "kick" and "score" will be automatically added.

Setting ballPhysics to the string "disc0" will instead use the first disc as the ball. In this case the cGroup will be left unmodified.

If omitted default ball physics will be used.


type : string

The type of background to use for the stadium. Possible values are "grass", "hockey", and "none".

Default value: "none"

width : float

Width of the background rectangle.

Default value: 0

height : float

Height of the background rectangle.

Default value : 0

kickOffRadius : float

Radius of the kickoff circle.

Default value: 0

cornerRadius : float

Radius of the corners of the circle (creates rounded corners if > 0)

Default value: 0

goalLine : float

Horizontal distance to the goals from position <0,0>, used by "hockey" background only.

Default value: 0

color : Color

Background color for the stadium.

Default value: "718C5A"


A vertex is a point which can collide with discs but cannot move and is not visible.

x : float

The x position for the vertex.

y : float

The y position for the vertex.

bCoef : float

The bouncing coefficient.

cMask : string[]

A list of flags that represent this object's collision mask.

Read more about collision flags here.

cGroup : string[]

A list of flags that represent this object's collision group.

Read more about collision flags here.


A segment is a line (curved or straight) that connects two vertexes. Discs can collide with segments and they can also be used as decoration.

v0 : int

Index of a vertex in the stadium vertex list to be used as first point of the segment.

v1 : int

Index of a vertex in the stadium vertex list to be used as the second point of the segment.

bCoef : float

The bouncing coefficient.

curve : float

The angle in degrees with which the segment will curve forming an arc between it's two vertexes.

Default value is 0 which makes the segment a straight line.

curveF : float

Alternative representation of the segment's curve. If this value is present the curve value will be ignored.

This value is only useful for exporting stadiums without precision loss, it is recommended to remove curveF and use only curve when editing an exported stadium.

bias : float

If set to 0 the segment will collide normally on both sides.

If greater or lower than 0 the bias determines the thickness of the segment. The segment also becomes a one-way segment that collides only in one of it's sides.

This property can be useful to create boundaries that small and fast moving balls are unable to pass through.

Default value: 0

cMask : string[]

A list of flags that represent this object's collision mask.

Read more about collision flags here.

cGroup : string[]

A list of flags that represent this object's collision group.

Read more about collision flags here.

vis : bool

If set to false the segment will be invisible.

Default value: true

color : Color

The color with which the segment will be drawn.

Default value: "000000" (black)


Goals are lines belonging to a team, when the ball crosses this line the opossite team scores a goal.

p0 : float[]

The coordinates of the fist point of the line in an array form [x, y].

p1 : float[]

The coordinates of the second point of the line in an array form [x, y].

team : string

The team the goal belongs to. Possible values: "red" or "blue"


Planes are collision objects that divide the map in two by an infinite line. They are useful for creating the boundaries of the stadium.

normal : float[]

The direction vector of the plane in an array form [x, y].

dist : float

The distance from coordinates [0,0] (in direction of the normal) in which the plane is located at.

bCoef : float

The bouncing coefficient.

cMask : string[]

A list of flags that represent this object's collision mask.

Read more about collision flags here.

cGroup : string[]

A list of flags that represent this object's collision group.

Read more about collision flags here.


Discs are circular physical objects that are placed in the stadium, they can move and collide with other discs.

pos : float[]

The starting position of the object in array form [x, y].

speed : float[]

The starting speed of the object in array form [x, y].

gravity : float[]

The gravity vector of the object in array form [x, y].

radius : float

The radius of the disc.

invMass : float

The inverse of the disc's mass.

damping : float

The damping factor of the disc.

color : Color

The disc fill color. Supports "transparent" color.

Default value: "FFFFFF"

bCoef : float

The bouncing coefficient.

cMask : string[]

A list of flags that represent this object's collision mask.

Read more about collision flags here.

cGroup : string[]

A list of flags that represent this object's collision group.

Read more about collision flags here.


PlayerPhysics describes physical constants affecting the players.

gravity : float[]

See Disc.gravity

radius : float

See Disc.radius

invMass : float

See Disc.invMAss

bCoef : float

See Disc.bCoef

damping : float

See Disc.damping

cGroup : string[]

See Disc.cGroup

acceleration : float

How fast a player accelerates when moving around with his keys.

kickingAcceleration : float

Replaces acceleration when the player is holding the kick button.

kickingDamping : float

Replaces damping when the player is holding the kick button.

kickStrength : float

How much force the player applies to the a ball when kicking.

kickback : float

Much like kickStrength but it's applied to the kicking player instead.


Joints are physical connections between two Discs.

d0 : Int

Index of one of the two discs connected by the joint.

Note: Index 0 will be used by the ball disc if StadiumObject.ballPhysics is not set to "disc0".

d1 : Int

Index of one of the two discs connected by the joint.

Note: Index 0 will be used by the ball disc if StadiumObject.ballPhysics is not set to "disc0".

length : float | [min, max] | null

If set to null then the length will be automatically computed to match the distance between the two discs connected by the joint.

If set to a float value then the join will use that as length.

If set to a 2 elements array [min, max] then the joint will have a min length and max length. The joint will apply no forces if the distance between the discs is inside of that range.

Default value: null

strength : float | "rigid"

If set to "rigid" then the joint acts like a solid.

If set to a float value then the joint will act like a spring.

Default value: "rigid"

color : Color

The color of the joint. Supports "transparent" color.

Default value: "000000" (black)


A color can be either "transparent", a string with hex values "RRGGBB" or an array of integer values [Red,Green,Blue].


"color": "transparent" // Make color invisible / transparent

"color": "FF0000" // Make color red

"color": [0,200,0] // Make color green.
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