Headless Host - haxball/haxball-issues GitHub Wiki

HaxBall Headless Host

The headless room host is useful if you want to run an unmanned haxball host on a vps. It doesn't draw or play any sounds which makes it a lot more lightweight. It is only controllable through a javascript API.

You can load the headless host here

Connectivity warning

If you are hosting on a VPS using Chrome version 78 or greater it is required to disable the Local IP WebRTC Anonymization feature for the host to work.

Run chrome with the command flag --disable-features=WebRtcHideLocalIpsWithMdns to disable the feature.


When haxball headless host is done loading it will set window.HBInit and call the function window.onHBLoaded

Note: All of the API functions that modify the game's state will execute asynchronously. This means that if you move a player using the roomObject.setPlayerTeam method and immediately after you call roomObject.getPlayerList, the player list obtained will show the player's original team and not the modified one.

HBInit(roomConfig : RoomConfigObject) : RoomObject

Use this function to initialize the room, it returns the room object used to control the room.

After calling this function a recaptcha challenge will appear, after passing the recaptcha the room link will appear on the page.


var room = HBInit({
	roomName: "My room",
	maxPlayers: 16,
	noPlayer: true // Remove host player (recommended!)

// If there are no admins left in the room give admin to one of the remaining players.
function updateAdmins() { 
  // Get all players
  var players = room.getPlayerList();
  if ( players.length == 0 ) return; // No players left, do nothing.
  if ( players.find((player) => player.admin) != null ) return; // There's an admin left so do nothing.
  room.setPlayerAdmin(players[0].id, true); // Give admin to the first non admin player in the list

room.onPlayerJoin = function(player) {

room.onPlayerLeave = function(player) {


RoomConfig is passed to HBInit to configure the room, all values are optional.

roomName : string

The name for the room.

playerName : string

The name for the host player.

password : string

The password for the room (no password if ommited).

maxPlayers : int

Max number of players the room accepts.

public : bool

If true the room will appear in the room list.

geo : {"code": string, "lat" : float, "lon" : float}

GeoLocation override for the room.

token : String

Can be used to skip the recaptcha by setting it to a token that can be obtained here

These tokens will expire after a few minutes.

noPlayer : Bool

If set to true the room player list will be empty, the playerName setting will be ignored.

Default value is false for backwards compatibility reasons but it's recommended to set this to true.

Warning! events will have null as the byPlayer argument when the event is caused by the host, so make sure to check for null values!


RoomObject is the main interface which lets you control the room and listen to it's events


sendChat(message : string, targetId? : Int) : void

Sends a chat message using the host player

If targetId is null or undefined the message is sent to all players. If targetId is defined the message is sent only to the player with a matching id.


setPlayerAdmin(playerID : int, admin : bool) : void

Changes the admin status of the specified player


setPlayerTeam(playerID : int, team : int) : void

Moves the specified player to a team


kickPlayer(playerID : int, reason : string, ban : bool) : void

Kicks the specified player from the room


clearBan(playerId : int) : void

Clears the ban for a playerId that belonged to a player that was previously banned.


clearBans() : void

Clears the list of banned players.


setScoreLimit(limit : int) : void

Sets the score limit of the room

If a game is in progress this method does nothing.


setTimeLimit(limitInMinutes : int) : void

Sets the time limit of the room. The limit must be specified in number of minutes.

If a game is in progress this method does nothing.


setCustomStadium(stadiumFileContents : string) : void

Parses the stadiumFileContents as a .hbs stadium file and sets it as the selected stadium.

There must not be a game in progress, If a game is in progress this method does nothing

See example here.


setDefaultStadium(stadiumName : string) : void

Sets the selected stadium to one of the default stadiums. The name must match exactly (case sensitive)

There must not be a game in progress, If a game is in progress this method does nothing


setTeamsLock(locked : bool) : void

Sets the teams lock. When teams are locked players are not able to change team unless they are moved by an admin.


setTeamColors(team : TeamID, angle : float, textColor : int, colors : []int) : void

Sets the colors of a team.

Colors are represented as an integer, for example a pure red color is 0xFF0000.


startGame() : void

Starts the game, if a game is already in progress this method does nothing


stopGame() : void

Stops the game, if no game is in progress this method does nothing


pauseGame(pauseState : bool)

Sets the pause state of the game. true = paused and false = unpaused


getPlayer(playerId : Int) : PlayerObject

Returns the player with the specified id. Returns null if the player doesn't exist.


getPlayerList() : PlayerObject[]

Returns the current list of players


getScores() : ScoresObject

If a game is in progress it returns the current score information. Otherwise it returns null


getBallPosition() : {"x": float, "y": float}

Returns the ball's position in the field or null if no game is in progress.


startRecording() : void

Starts recording of a haxball replay.

Don't forget to call stop recording or it will cause a memory leak.


stopRecording() : Uint8Array

Stops the recording previously started with startRecording and returns the replay file contents as a Uint8Array.

Returns null if recording was not started or had already been stopped.


setPassword(pass : string) : void

Changes the password of the room, if pass is null the password will be cleared.


setRequireRecaptcha(required : bool) : void

Activates or deactivates the recaptcha requirement to join the room.


reorderPlayers( playerIdList : Array<Int>, moveToTop : Bool) : void

First all players listed are removed, then they are reinserted in the same order they appear in the playerIdList.

If moveToTop is true players are inserted at the top of the list, otherwise they are inserted at the bottom of the list.


sendAnnouncement(msg:String, targetId?:Int, color?:Int, style?:String, sound?:Int)

Sends a host announcement with msg as contents. Unlike sendChat, announcements will work without a host player and has a larger limit on the number of characters.

If targetId is null or undefined the message is sent to all players, otherwise it's sent only to the player with matching targetId.

color will set the color of the announcement text, it's encoded as an integer (0xFF0000 is red, 0x00FF00 is green, 0x0000FF is blue).

If color is null or undefined the text will use the default chat color.

style will set the style of the announcement text, it must be one of the following strings: "normal","bold","italic", "small", "small-bold", "small-italic"

If style is null or undefined "normal" style will be used.

If sound is set to 0 the announcement will produce no sound. If sound is set to 1 the announcement will produce a normal chat sound. If set to 2 it will produce a notification sound.


setKickRateLimit(min : Int = 2, rate : Int = 0, burst : Int = 0)

Sets the room's kick rate limits.

min is the minimum number of logic-frames between two kicks. It is impossible to kick faster than this.

rate works like min but lets players save up extra kicks to use them later depending on the value of burst.

burst determines how many extra kicks the player is able to save up.


setPlayerAvatar( playerId : Int, avatar : String )

Overrides the avatar of the target player.

If avatar is set to null the override is cleared and the player will be able to use his own avatar again.


setDiscProperties( discIndex : Int, properties : DiscPropertiesObject )

Sets properties of the target disc.

Properties that are null or undefined will not be set and therefor will preserve whatever value the disc already had.

For example room.setDiscProperties(0, {x: 0, y: 0}); will set the position of disc 0 to <0,0> while leaving any other value intact.


getDiscProperties( discIndex : Int ) : DiscPropertiesObject

Gets the properties of the disc at discIndex. Returns null if discIndex is out of bounds.


setPlayerDiscProperties( playerId : Int, properties : DiscPropertiesObject )

Same as setDiscProperties but targets the disc belonging to a player with the given Id.


getPlayerDiscProperties( playerId : Int ) : DiscPropertiesObject

Same as getDiscProperties but targets the disc belonging to a player with the given Id.



Gets the number of discs in the game including the ball and player discs.


CollisionFlags : CollisionFlagsObject

Object filled with the collision flags constants that compose the cMask and cGroup disc properties.

Read more about collision flags here.

Example usage:

// Check if disc 4 belongs to collision group "ball":
var discProps = room.getDiscProperties(4);
var hasBallFlag = (discProps.cGroup & room.CollisionFlags.ball) != 0;

// Add "wall" to the collision mask of disc 5 without changing any other of it's flags:
var discProps = room.getDiscProperties(5);
room.setDiscProperties(5, {cMask: discProps.cMask | room.CollisionFlags.wall});


onPlayerJoin(player : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a new player joins the room.


onPlayerLeave(player : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a player leaves the room.


onTeamVictory(scores : ScoresObject) : void

Event called when a team wins.


onPlayerChat(player : PlayerObject, message : String) : bool

Event called when a player sends a chat message.

The event function can return false in order to filter the chat message. This prevents the chat message from reaching other players in the room.


onPlayerBallKick(player : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a player kicks the ball.


onTeamGoal(team : TeamID) : void

Event called when a team scores a goal.


onGameStart(byPlayer : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a game starts.

byPlayer is the player which caused the event (can be null if the event wasn't caused by a player).


onGameStop(byPlayer : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a game stops.

byPlayer is the player which caused the event (can be null if the event wasn't caused by a player).


onPlayerAdminChange(changedPlayer : PlayerObject, byPlayer : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a player's admin rights are changed.

byPlayer is the player which caused the event (can be null if the event wasn't caused by a player).


onPlayerTeamChange(changedPlayer : PlayerObject, byPlayer : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a player team is changed.

byPlayer is the player which caused the event (can be null if the event wasn't caused by a player).


onPlayerKicked(kickedPlayer : PlayerObject, reason : string, ban : bool, byPlayer : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a player has been kicked from the room. This is always called after the onPlayerLeave event.

byPlayer is the player which caused the event (can be null if the event wasn't caused by a player).


onGameTick() : void

Event called once for every game tick (happens 60 times per second). This is useful if you want to monitor the player and ball positions without missing any ticks.

This event is not called if the game is paused or stopped.


onGamePause(byPlayer : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when the game is paused.


onGameUnpause(byPlayer : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when the game is unpaused.

After this event there's a timer before the game is fully unpaused, to detect when the game has really resumed you can listen for the first onGameTick event after this event is called.


onPositionsReset() : void

Event called when the players and ball positions are reset after a goal happens.


onPlayerActivity(player : PlayerObject) : void

Event called when a player gives signs of activity, such as pressing a key. This is useful for detecting inactive players.


(newStadiumName : string, byPlayer : PlayerObject ) : void

Event called when the stadium is changed.


onRoomLink(url : string) : void

Event called when the room link is obtained.


onKickRateLimitSet(min : Int, rate : Int, burst : Int, byPlayer : PlayerObject)

Event called when the kick rate is set.


onTeamsLockChange(locked: bool, byPlayer : PlayerObject)

Event called when the teams lock setting is changed.


PlayerObject holds information about a player

id : int

The id of the player, each player that joins the room gets a unique id that will never change.

name : string

The name of the player.

team : TeamID

The team of the player.

admin : bool

Whether the player has admin rights.

position : {"x": float, "y": float}

The player's position in the field, if the player is not in the field the value will be null.

auth : String

The player's public ID. Players can view their own ID's here: https://www.haxball.com/playerauth

The public ID is useful to validate that a player is who he claims to be, but can't be used to verify that a player isn't someone else. Which means it's useful for implementing user accounts, but not useful for implementing a banning system.

Can be null if the ID validation fails.

This property is only set in the RoomObject.onPlayerJoin event.

conn : String

A string that uniquely identifies the player's connection, if two players join using the same network this string will be equal.

This property is only set in the RoomObject.onPlayerJoin event.


ScoresObject holds information relevant to the current game scores

red : int

The number of goals scored by the red team

blue : int

The number of goals scored by the blue team

time : float

The number of seconds elapsed (seconds don't advance while the game is paused)

scoreLimit : int

The score limit for the game.

timeLimit : float

The time limit for the game.


TeamID are int values:

Spectators: 0
Red Team: 1
Blue Team: 2


DiscPropertiesObject holds information about a game physics disc.

x : Float

The x coordinate of the disc's position

y : Float

The y coordinate of the disc's position

xspeed : Float

The x coordinate of the disc's speed vector

yspeed : Float

The y coordinate of the disc's speed vector

xgravity : Float

The x coordinate of the disc's gravity vector

ygravity : Float

The y coordinate of the disc's gravity vector

radius : Float

The disc's radius

bCoeff : Float

The disc's bouncing coefficient

invMass : Float

The inverse of the disc's mass

damping : Float

The disc's damping factor.

color : Int

The disc's color expressed as an integer (0xFF0000 is red, 0x00FF00 is green, 0x0000FF is blue, -1 is transparent)

cMask : Int

The disc's collision mask (Represents what groups the disc can collide with)

cGroup : Int

The disc's collision groups


CollisionFlagsObjects contains flag constants that are used as helpers for reading and writing collision flags.

The flags are ball, red, blue, redKO, blueKO, wall, all, kick, score, c0, c1, c2 and c3

Example usage:

var cf = room.CollisionFlags;

// Check if disc 4 belongs to collision group "ball":
var discProps = room.getDiscProperties(4);
var hasBallFlag = (discProps.cGroup & cf.ball) != 0;

// Add "wall" to the collision mask of disc 5 without changing any other of it's flags:
var discProps = room.getDiscProperties(5);
room.setDiscProperties(5, {cMask: discProps.cMask | cf.wall});
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