Mounting File Servers - hasselmonians/knowledge-base GitHub Wiki

Mounting GNU/Linux Servers

The following instructions will mount the hasselmonians project at /mnt/hasselmonians. These instructions are written for MacOS and GNU/Linux users. The best way to access the cluster on Windows is not by mounting it. Instead, you should use SCC-OnDemand.

To mount a GNU/Linux server, such as the shared computing cluster (SCC), first create a mount point:

sudo mkdir /mnt/hasselmonians

Then, mount the cluster there:

sudo sshfs {username} /mnt/hasselmogrp -o allow_other

Here, {username} should be replaced with your BU/Kerberos username. You will be prompted for your BU/Kerberos password.

To unmount, run:

sudo umount /mnt/hasselmogrp

Mounting Windows File Servers

BU file servers for administration use the CIFS protocol. CIFS is a dialect of SMB developed by Microsoft.


Follow these instructions.

The domain name is ad.


Follow these instructions.


You will need to be connected to the BU VPN if you are off-campus.

First create a mount point:

sudo mkdir /mnt/cas

Once you've created the mount point, you'll need to mount the file server with the following command options:

sudo mount -t cifs {servername} /mnt/cas -o vers=3,username={your BU login},password={your Kerberos password},domain=ad

Here, {servername} is the address of the server prefaced by // (e.g. //

You'll find that the file server is now mounted in /mnt/cas in your file manager.

If you need to unmount the file server, you can use:

sudo umount -a -t cifs