How to Install and Use the Location Picker (geolocation) with Easy Form Builder - hassantafreshi/easy-form-builder GitHub Wiki

Easy Form Builder is a powerful form creator with this plugin you can easily create professional forms. You also don’t need coding skills, you just need to drag and drop your needs and easily create your multistep form.

In this essay, we will learn how to install and use the Location Picker (geolocation) for Easy FORM Builder

Setting Up Location Picker(maps) in Easy Form Builder

Google Maps & Places

How to add a location picker when creating form

Viewing Entry Location Data

For using location picker(Maps) and reCAPTCHA sign up in Google cloud service, you will get $350 USD worth of credits in Google Cloud only for our users, Click here to get credits. Also, Google will require you to enable billing on your account in order to use the Places feature. For more details on cost, be sure to check out Google’s pricing page.

Setting Up Location Picker (geolocation) in Easy Form Builder

Google Maps & Place

To set up Google Maps & Place within your forms, you’ll need to generate an API Key from within your Google Developer Console. In this case, select the project you’d like to enable this key on from the Select a Project.

map location WordPress plugin

click on New Project Button to create a new one.

map location WordPress plugin

Notice: For accessing in Google Places requires your site to have an SSL certificate.

After your key has been created, click the pencil icon to open up the key’s settings.

map location WordPress plugin

in this step click on create credentials menu, in menu select API Key.

map location WordPress plugin

In this section, you have to configure the following options:

Application Restrictions

To allow your API key to be used within Easy Form Builder, you’ll need to select the HTTP Referrers option. This will allow your key to be used within websites.

map location WordPress plugin

choose HTTP referrers option, for that key to be used on websites.

map location WordPress plugin

API Restrictions

Once you’ve restricted your key by Application and Website, you’ll need to restrict your key by API. To do this, click the Restrict key option.

map location WordPress plugin

This will reveal another dropdown, where you’ll need to select the specific APIs you’d like to restrict your key to.

From this dropdown, you’ll need to select the following APIs:

  • Maps embed API

  • Maps JavaScript API

  • Maps static API

map location WordPress plugin

When you’ve selected these APIs, click the Save button to save your settings.

After saving your settings, you’ll be redirected to an overview of all available API keys. copy the value under the Key heading and head back over to your Easy Form Builder settings.

map location WordPress plugin

Within your Easy Form Builder settings, paste the API Key you just copied into the API Key field and save your settings.

map location WordPress plugin

Now that you’ve configured your Location picker (maps) settings, It is ready to use within your forms.

How to add a location picker when creating form.

Create a form, Drag & Drop Location Picker to the form.

map location WordPress plugin

You can observe how your form looks.

map location WordPress plugin

In settings, You can set Description, longitude, latitude and points.

map location WordPress plugin

Notice: if you enter1 in the points field, the user could only drop 1 mark, and if you enter 2, the user could drop 2 marks on the map. And keep in mind if you enter 0, the user can't drop any point on the map and the form will show the longitude and latitude that the admin inserted in the setting.

Viewing Entry Location Data

Finally, you can find out exact location of your client by google map

map location WordPress plugin

What more do you expect? Harry up, start with Easy Form Builder right now!

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