ld disc stacker - happycube/ld-decode GitHub Wiki


This application performs 'stacking' of multiple versions of the same disc (ideally different copies of discs containing the same mastered contents). Disc stacking requires a minimum of two input sources in order to work (although 3 or more are strongly recommended).

Stacking is performed by taking all available input sources and, pixel by pixel, determining the number of available sources for the pixel (by removing outliers marked as dropouts in the source files). If more than 3 sources are available for the pixel the tool will use the median value of the available sources as the output (when there are an even number available of pixel sources, the two centre values of the median are averaged to the output). If only two sources are available an average is used. If only one source is available it is passed directly as the output.

If no sources are available for a pixel the tool will attempt to use differential dropout detection (diffDOD) to recover a value (in the case where ld-decode marked the pixel as a false-negative) unless the --no-diffdod option is specified.

If the --passthrough option is specified the tool will, when all pixel sources are marked as a dropout, mark the resulting output pixel as a dropout (regardless of the diffDOD result). The --passthrough is useful in non-preservation cases where it is desirable for master plate errors (which cause dropouts in the same place on all resulting LaserDisc copies) to be marked for dropout concealment (where-as diffDOD would correctly identify the plate error as present on all discs (and therefore not an error)).

Use the tool by specifying the available input .tbc files followed by the desired .tbc output file.

  -h, --help                Displays this help.
  -v, --version             Displays version information.
  -d, --debug               Show debug
  -q, --quiet               Suppress info and warning messages
  --input-json <filename>   Specify the input JSON file for the first input
                            file (default input.json)
  --output-json <filename>  Specify the output JSON file (default output.json)
  -r, --reverse             Reverse the field order to second/first (default
  -t, --threads <number>    Specify the number of concurrent threads (default
                            is the number of logical CPUs)
  --no-diffdod              Do not use differential dropout detection on low
                            source pixels
  --passthrough             Pass-through dropouts present on every source

  inputs                    Specify input TBC files (- as first source for
                            piped input)
  output                    Specify output TBC file (omit or - for piped

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