ld decode on the web - happycube/ld-decode GitHub Wiki

Social media

You can follow the primary ld-decode developers on social media:

Chad - Original creator of ld-decode and primary developer of all the clever RF signal processing software.

Simon - Member of the Domesday86 project and primary developer of the ld-decode post-processing tool-chain.

CX Cards / vhs-decode / hifi-decode / cvbs-decode media:

Run by Harry - Documentation writer across the decode projects and tools.

External Written Articles about the project

The Domesday86, ld-decode & vhs-decode projects have been featured on various web-sites

(if you'd like to add a site to this list please use raise an issue on the github requesting inclusion)

Retro-RGB: Link to the article

Adafruit: Link to the article

Hackaday: Link to the article

Retro Dator Magazin 3 (in Swedish): Download the PDF article

External Video Articles about the project

TechTangents YouTube Domesday Duplicator - Ultimate LaserDisc Preservation

TechTangents YouTube LD-Decode - LaserDisc Conversion Tools


11 Mar 2020 RetroRGB YouTube Pit-Perfect Laserdisc Backups with Domesday Duplicator & LD Decode

14 Aug 2023 RetroRGB YouTube Domesday LaserDisc and VHS Archival Project Interview