Midsem Presentation - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki

Our question: Introduce and describe the project such that all project students can understand what you have done

A personal knowledge base (PKB) is an electronic tool used to express, capture, and later retrieve the personal knowledge of an individual.

It differs from a traditional database in that it contains subjective material particular to the owner, that others may not agree with nor care about.

Importantly, a PKB consists primarily of knowledge, rather than information; in other words, it is not a collection of documents or other sources an individual has encountered, but rather an expression of the distilled knowledge the owner has extracted from those sources.


  • Requirements gathering
  • Software evaluation
  • Open Source repository

Main Features

  • Auto backups
  • Data survivability
  • Portability (open standards)
  • Knowledge capture
  • Knowledge retrieval
  • Knowledge organisation
  • Knowledge protection (encrypted backups, SSL)
  • Version Control
  • Accessible

What we have so far

  • Debian OS
  • Debian package of the system
  • Personal Repository for each user
  • Web directory for each user
  • Daily backups
  • Exporting backups to dropbox
  • Dokuwiki system
  • Syncing of dokuwiki users into linux users
  • logging
  • Enabling of users Dropbox account from Dokuwiki
  • logging
  • Emailing of Dropbox authorization link
  • Minor UI improvements
  • SSL connection


  • More logging
  • Ability to restore backups from dokuwiki
  • Ability to switch between different backups and current knowledge
  • Main product not just Braincase, also Github Project