Meeting with james 12th october - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki
- Demo features completed in Sprint 4
- 'simpleperms' plugin: Allows pages to be set as private/public-read/public-edit Bugs #276 #277
- Demo Memories page (Finds backups in remote and local locations). This relates to below feature.
- Wiki Switcher: Allows backups to be set as "current", thereby enabling you to see differences in current and old backups
- Demo allowing external SMTP server.
- Backups are functional
- Restores still need testing
- Discuss features for Sprint 5 (Second to last sprint)
When switching memories, the "current" should be archived with a timestamp and date. Current should be defined as the currently running 'instance'. Whether that be and old backup or the latest.
Look into a button for manually forcing a search for backups.
"Named" backups. Ie able to put a comment or note for each backup.
Alerting of backups
Verification of backups
IMPORTANT: Email for errors. Ie backup didn't pass below verification, dropbox was full so file didn't upload.
1st level: Top level diff using say md5.
2nd level: Check each file. Report which files have changed
3rd level: Check each file, report which lines are changed. Ie a complete diff .
Should change "This page is private" to something more generic. This allows more privacy and guest can't tell if the page actually exists or not.
Public should be defined properly. Maybe rename Public to "Registered user" and create another permission for actual public. However this touches on 'groups' which was initially said we will not be doing at this time.
Remove inbuilt media manager in Dokuwiki
Look into using Git repo to link to. Ie be able to link to an image in your Git repo.
We need a working system, with actual information. Ie information about Braincase itself into Braincase. This can be used for the poster presentation.
Meeting with Gisela to discuss final report.
James has lecturer from 1-2 on Monday. Tuesday: 9-10
We should be resolving ALL issues relating to Backups/permission/restoring in Sprint 5
Final sprint we should be doing ONLY testing and documentation