Meeting with James 4th may - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki
- Further discuss Core Wiki Page (9.0) Use Cases
- Confirm 8. Access Control Use Cases
- Discuss Acceptance Tests
###Actions from previous meeting on 20th April
- Complete initial set of requirements
- Partially completed
- Implement priority's given by Client
- Completed
- Find a way to manage requirements
- Will be using Github "Issues"
- Read the book to find out how acceptances tests are done
- Couldn't find anything in the book about acceptance tests
- Complete Use Cases for interface
- Partially Completed
- Need to read the article on PKBs from James
- Read PKB and Backups articles on Wikipedia
- Expand on github tags to add Acceptance Tests
- Expand on github tags to add Design Decision/Rationale for justification of requirements
- Explain structure of github issues in req spec
- The level of Access Control required right now is:
- Private
- Public Read Only
- Public Edit
- Make sure to record the format of backups in the architecture doc
- Read something on Acceptance Tests
- Create Vision Wiki Page
- Vision for the Software
- Need to create a vision for the software of about 1000 words
- Need to include this near the front of the reqs spec (prob under intro title)
- How to add secure access (SSL/HTTPS)
- What is the impact on the architecture?
- How to implement backup security
- Different backup style depending on target
Actions for this meeting
- Create Vision for the Software
- Determine how to add secure access
- Determine how to implement backup security
- Expand github tags
- Read articles and wiki pages
- Read something on ATs
- Complete req spec