Meeting with James 28 May - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki


###Actions from previous meeting on 18th May


  1. Should we do an RFC for the PKB Export Standard?


  • Need a methodology for comparing software (COTS)
  • states qualification criteria et al
  • We need to plan more from the outset instead of diving in
  • Architecture diagram should be layered (research these)
  • We need to do more work on the vision
  • The PKB is essentially a structured collection of knowledge assets
    • text based: notes, essays, docs
    • code for programmers
    • images
    • reference materials, papers
  • We are focusing too heavily on academics... this system should be for anyone looking to track knowledge
  • It is not just a wiki plus a repo
  • The heirarchy is somewhat similar to a filesystem, but needs to have different views of the same data
  • It should have multiple heirarchical views
    • EG: USA -> FORD -> FOCUS
  • Breadcrumb trails
  • Treat the files in the repository as knowledge assets in themselves (like an image or wiki page)
  • Should ensure business continuity (security of data over time / data survivability)
    • we need to investigate "data survivability" to see if there are similar already defined terms
    • if the server goes down, still have data
    • if can't get the application, still have data in standardized format
    • basically everything else can fall over but if we still have the data the knowledge survives
  • Talked about the PKB Export Standard
  • requirements for this?
  • unicode? (to enable arab/chinese chars)
  • store binary data?
  • deltas?
  • how are assets identified uniquely (id, name, url)?
  • must be resistant to changes to itself (backwards compatibility)
  • what can we achieve with existing software (how close can we get to the reqs)
  • we need to do more on the vision
  • Next meeting will be at Friday 8th June 12pm


Actions for this meeting

  • Create a layered architecture diagram
  • Finish Software Review
  • Finish Vision