Meeting with James 27th July - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki
- Set date and time for Progress Review in week 3 (Times on AutOnline)
- Set some deadline dates for next stages of project. (Ie completion of review, initial prototype etc)
###Actions from previous meeting on 6th July
- Complete requirement specification
- Complete Software Review Methodology.
- In relation to above, Make changes noted in last meeting:
- Project Review is set for 1st August 1530
- Need to do twice as much work this semester because it is 30 points worth
- Not seeing the quantity of work required at the moment
- 12 weeks, could do 3 iterations of 4 weeks each.
- Some Dates
- 24th August for last day of planning and research phase.
- Project due in week 15.
Software Evaluation
- Diagrams look good
- Evaluation of components is good
- Break out "Create proposed system" step into another diagram look at adding something like
- evolve architecture
- incorporate new ideas from component review
- review architectural design alternatives
- identify problems with architecture
- establish new architectural sketch
- Create proposed system is not different first time round still justification for how we came up with architecture
- referencing sources on how to do architectural design
- referencing requirements which led to that choice
- "matching requirements against world of known architectures"
- Add detail of how the first architecture sketch came to be
- research of architectures
- suggestions by James
- categorizing the types of software
- Architecture is wrong because it names components