Meeting with James 22nd June - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki


  • Clarify category on Use Cases (Publish Formatted Docs)
  • Show use cases / Get feedback
  • Show updated vision
  • Show software review

###Actions from previous meeting on 15th June

  1. Make changes to the Software Review
  2. Make changes to the Vision
  3. Complete the requested use cases as below:

Use Cases

For each user type we must write a single paragraph use case for each feature category.

User types:


  • Publish formatted document can include LaTeX type docs
  • Should have a look at James page on licensing
  • For the Software Review we need to think about the interactions between software
  • Methodology needs to incorporate this kind of thinking
  • Interactions can cause the problem
  • James recommends an iteration based methodology


Actions for this meeting

  • Need a low priority feature for LaTeX output
  • Need to put reqs from ghissues into Req Spec and email it to James
  • Need to finish the Software Review Methodology