Meeting with James 20th April - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki


Confirm created use case requirements are on track with James vision.

###Actions from previous meeting on 13th April.

  1. Confirm reading of requirements elicitation (RE) literature
  • "Managing Software Requirements: A Unified Approach By Dean Leffingwell, Don Widrig"
  1. Confirm we made a decision on RE method
  • Interviewing, Use Cases and Prototyping
  1. Show James the Issue that we made to decide the RE method


  • James found current usecase + requirements to be good (good level of abstraction)
  • Need some further usescases;
  • How frontend will work
  • Core Wiki Pages
  • Private and Public wiki page uses
  • Once packages are chosen, reasons are justified
  • Tests should be repeatable. Ie test environment, details
  • Ensure Licence conditions are honoured
  • List licences for each piece of software
  • Show how the system respects the licence
  • Need to look harder at how the backups are going to work
  • In respect to the bandwidth used
  • In respect to the storage systems used (delta-ing)
  • How to backup only changes
  • Maybe put warnings against methods that don't delta
  • James agreed that prototype -> show client -> get more reqs would work


  • Backups should be every 24 hour instead of scheduled (but could be a NTH)
  • Feature Suggestion: Verification of backups
  • Notification of completed/errored backup over email
  • Efficient use of storage (medium priority)

Non-functional requirements

Property of the software that doesn't relate to it when its running

  • Convenient (turnkey system)
  • Good code
  • Guiding principles of UI design


  1. Change Name of Project
  2. Decide on a way to manage requirements/usecases
  3. Decide on Linux environment product will primarily support.

Actions for this meeting

  1. Complete initial set of requirements
  2. Implement priority's given by Client
  3. Find a way to manage requirements
  4. Read the book to find out how acceptances tests are done
  5. Complete UseCases for interface