Meeting with James 18 May - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki


###Actions from previous meeting on 11th May

  1. Do Vision Document
  2. Started Vision
  3. Design Decisions [From last meeting]
  4. Issues:
  5. Use Cases on backup security
    1. Completed #135
  6. Use cases for bandwidth usage
    1. Completed #133
  7. Draft of design/architecture document [Important]
  8. Google Document:
  9. Architecture Diagram:
  10. Acceptance Tests [Important] [From last meeting]
  11. Documented:
  12. Some ATs:
  13. Design Rational [From last meeting] (Design Decisions?)
  14. Issues:


  1. Why are we responsible for doing the vision? This should be done by the client?
  • Without coming up with a vision for the software we won't be able to make effective decisions during the project. As professional software developers we should be capable of designing a vision for the client.
  1. What is the difference between design rationale and design decisions?
  • Design Rationale is why, Design Decision is what. We can mix them together in the issues but we need to make sure that the design rationale is under a separate heading lest we focus on the what instead of the why.
  1. Backing up a version controlled repository with normal files is surely folly?


  • Vision should:
    • Express benefits that product will provide to the users
    • (develop ideas)
    • (protect intellectual property over time)
    • (augmentation of anyone interested in developing ideas)
    • With the product you are a more effective academic than without
  • Categories link ideas together
  • Possibly look at formalizing use case
  • Need to work harder to reach our goals each week
  • Reqs doc doesn't need to be completed to start
  • Start working on software review


  • Make an issue for ATs

Actions for this meeting

  • Finish Vision
  • Separate design decision from rational
  • Issue on AT (#139)
  • Say for now we won't bother to do it in additional to UC, but we'll see whether QA measures seem to be required when feature releases
  • Finish software review