Install documentation - hamstar/Braincase GitHub Wiki

Installing from a Debian Package

Debian 6.0 Squeeze required

This guide assumes that you already have Debian 6 (Squeeze) installed. Other versions of Debian will probably work however we have only tested with version 6.

Making sure the latest Dokuwiki is installed

See issue #235

Unfortunately the version of Dokuwiki in the normal Debian repository is old. We need to make sure the latest version is installed. This requires adding a new repository to the package manager and updating the package list before installing the Braincase package.

echo "deb sid main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
apt-get update

Now the Braincase install can be run and will be using the latest version of Dokuwiki.

Installing Braincase

Follow these steps to install Braincase from a debian package:

  1. Download the latest debian package from the downloads page or bleeding edge debs.
  2. Install the package using dpkg -i braincase_0.1-sprint1_all.deb
  3. If it fails because of dependencies then run apt-get -f install which should sort them and install Braincase automatically


The default admin username and password is;

user: admin
password: admin