Hds mining protocol API (Stratum) - hadescoincom/hds-core GitHub Wiki

Hds mining protocol API (draft)

The protocol is based on JSON RPC and uses Long Polling to have a conversation between Miner and Node. It describes only mining behavior without payouts at the moment.

Miner to Node


Miner subscribes to the node to receive jobs.

api_key - miner registration key.

    "method" : "login", 
    "api_key": "skjdb7343636gucgjdjgd",


Miner sends a solution to the node.

nonce - matched nonce for given solution.

output - Equhash solition for current difficulty.


Node to Miner


Miner will send new job automatically to connected miners.

id - is a job index

input - block header data hash (with current difficulty) as an input parameter for Equihash.

difficulty - current chain difficulty.



Miner will send a notification to cancel job with a given id

id - is a job index



This is what server will return to login or solution requests, identified by id string of message has been sent from the miner to the node.

Example 1 (login failed):

    "description":"Login failed",

Example 2 (solution accepted):


Example 3: (reply with nonce prefix)

    "description":"Login successful",

Note: "nonceprefix" is an optional component. If "nonceprefix" is given the first bytes of the used nonce must match the given pattern. Allowed is a prefix from 0 to 6 bytes. If "nonceprefix" is not given the miner may use the full nonce range.