Hds Web Wallet Starter Kit - hadescoincom/hds-core GitHub Wiki

Hds Web Wallet Starter Kit [working draft]

Web wallet starter allows you easily integrate Hds with your service, create a bunch of wallets and manage them... (TODO)

Web wallet scheme

Browser + Key Keeper <==> Web Service (TODO: here will be detailed scheme).

Let's do a simple integration step by step with the examples.

Obtain binaries

You can download prebuild binaries from our server with nightly builds https://builds.hadescoin.com/master/ or you can build all the parts yourself, here are build instructions (TODO)

At the end, you need wallet-service-masternet, wasm-key-keeper.js and wasm-key-keeper.wasm

Load Key Keeper to the client

Put the code near wasm-key-keeper.js and start any static server.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='wasm-key-keeper.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	Module().then(() => console.log(`Key Keeper module successfully loaded.`))

If all is OK you will see Key Keeper module successfully loaded. message in the browser console.

Connect to the Wallet Service

Run the service with the following parameters wallet-service-masternet -n eu-node04.masternet.hadescoin.com:16668 --port 8080.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='wasm-key-keeper.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	Module().then(() => 
		console.log(`Key Keeper module successfully loaded.`)
		let connection = new WebSocket('ws://')
		connection.onopen = () => console.log(`Connected to the Wallet Servce.`)

We are using WebSockets here, because we need two-way communication with the service and service can request any keykeeper method, to sign transaction for example.

Init Key Keeper with a seed phase

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='wasm-key-keeper.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
	Module().then(Module => 
		console.log(`Key Keeper module successfully loaded.`)
		let connection = new WebSocket('ws://')
		connection.onopen = () => 
			console.log(`Connected to the Wallet Service.`)

			// generate seed phrase
			let seed = Module.KeyKeeper.GeneratePhrase()
			console.log(`New Seed: ${seed}`)

			// init Key Keeper with the seed phrase
			let keykeeper = new Module.KeyKeeper(seed)

Create wallet

To create wallet you have to call create_wallet jsonrpc api method with pass and ownerkey parameters.

	id:'<request ID>',
		pass:'<wallet password>'
		ownerkey:'<owner key>',

Here is an example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src='wasm-key-keeper.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    Module().then(Module => 
        console.log(`Key Keeper module successfully loaded.`)
        let connection = new WebSocket('ws://')
        connection.onopen = () => 
            console.log(`Connected to the Wallet Service.`)

            // generate seed phrase
            let seed = Module.KeyKeeper.GeneratePhrase()
            console.log(`New Seed: ${seed}`)

            // init Key Keeper with the seed phrase
            let keykeeper = new Module.KeyKeeper(seed)

            connection.onmessage = e => 

                let data = JSON.parse(e.data)

                if(data.result)     console.log(`Wallet is successfully created, your ID: ${data.result}`)
                else if(data.error) console.log(`error occured, code:${data.error.code} text:${data.error.data}`)
                else if(data.method) connection.send(keykeeper.invokeServiceMethod(e.data))

            let walletPassword = '12345678'
            let ownerKey = keykeeper.getOwnerKey(walletPassword)
            console.log(`Owner Key: ${ownerKey}`)

            // create a wallet request
                jsonrpc: '2.0',
                id: 0,
                method: 'create_wallet',
                    pass: walletPassword,
                    ownerkey: ownerKey

Now, when you got your wallet ID, you can call any Wallet API method, like check status, create an address or do a transaction.

Open wallet

Open wallet with given ID and password.

	id:'<request ID>',
		id:'<wallet ID>',
		pass:'<wallet password>'
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