DR: Updated Program Areas so Projects are Linked to Project Pages - hackforla/website GitHub Wiki

This is a record in the Decision Records on Solutions Adopted.


#2485 Update the Program Areas page so the projects are dynamically rendered - comment regarding the addition of project page links to mini cards.

Problem Statement

Per comment, it was proposed that a list of issues be made to add the hyperlinks to each of the projects in the .md files.* Before this issue's linked pull request, the project names on the mini cards led to their hackforla.org/projects/.. page. After the pull request was merged, the project names led to their respective hackforla github pages.

Adopted Solution

It was determined there was a more optimized solution. This issue was fixed by the method implemented in issue #3592 Link projects in program areas page to project page and its linked pull request. This method involves the following:

# Get project's filename and assign it to a variable
# Link this variable with {{project.title}}

as followed by the code:

42 {% for project in site.projects %}
43     {% for project_program in project.program-area %}
44         {% if program_areas[1].program-area == project_program %}
45             {% assign project_relative_path = project.slug | prepend: "../projects/" %}
46             <li class="project-card-mini inline-list" id="{{project.identification}}">
47                 <img class="project-card-mini-image" src="{{project.image}}" alt="{{project.image_alt}}" />
48                 <a class="project-card-mini-title" href="{{ project_relative_path }}">{{project.title}}</a>
49             </li>
50         {% endif %}
51     {% endfor %}
52  {% endfor %}

The tag .slug converts the file's name into a string, and the tag prepend: "../projects/" links the variable to the relative path of the project file in the codebase. This variable is then linked with the project.title to link the project name in the program-areas page to the actual hackforla.org/projects/.. page. This is looped through all of the .md files in the _projects collection to link all of the projects to their appropriate pages.

*additions after the wiki was moved.

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