Glossary - hackforla/guides GitHub Wiki


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Admin Team

Members of the admin team have access to all of the drives and are able to speak for the organization.


Annotate means writing critical explanations to add extra insight about something.


A person who writes the majority of a guide. Other people who work on a guide but are not drafting the majority of it are contributors. All authors are contributors, but not all contributors are authors. The first person to make a guide document is listed first under contributors at the bottom of the guide.


See prioritized backlog.


A list of items required, things to be done, or points to be considered, used as a reminder.

Community of Practice

CoP Communities of practice are groups of people who share a practice area (such as UI/UX, devops, data science, engineering, etc.).


A person who has the same role as you (e.g. designer), and is on another team.

Effective Practice

Effective Practices are methods or techniques that have proven themselves in one or more scenarios to be effective at accomplishing a desired outcome.


Screen shots and or links that show you how someone else at Hack for LA has performed the process or practice.


A person who is very knowledgeable or skillful in a particular area.

GitHub Repository

A GitHub repository contains all of your project's code files and each file's revision history. It's also a platform that can house issues, a project management board (aka Kanban board) and WIKI.


Hack for LA Guides are documents with step-by-step procedures for achieving a goal or task. We call these processes and practices.

Guides have examples from Hack for LA projects. Some guides have templates.


An issue is a record attached to Github, where you can define work to be done, add comments, and communicate with others about the work. It has datestamps for comments, ability to assign people to the work, and can be tracked in the github repository's issue tab or on its project board. It also has links to any other issues, wikis, documents, websites, or another other useful link.

Kanban visual system used to manage and keep track of work as it moves through a process.


Oxford Learners Dictionary the type of aims or interests that a person or an organization has; the act of directing your aims toward a particular thing.


A Practice is a set of guidance and examples for how to organize something. Each team who uses the practice will execute it differently from the others that come before, as the needs of their project dictate.


A practitioner is a person who practices a profession. At Hack for LA we mean: A person who has experience using the process or practice here.


Collins Dictionary making or giving directions, rules, or injunctions.

Prioritized Backlog

A column on a project board consisting of of GitHub issues that are ready to be worked on, and are prioritized by importance. If you see the word Backlog without the word prioritized, it means that the work inside the column is in no particular order.


A Process has a defined set of instructions for how to execute something from beginning to end.

Project Board

A place for tracking issues and project progress, usually organized using Kanban methodology.


Wikipedia Resource refers to all the materials available in our environment which are technologically accessible.

Speaker Notes

Speaker notes are notes added to slide presentation as a reference for the presenter. When you have the slide deck open, go to the bottom of any specific slide to see the notes.

Special Issue

A Special Issue (aka sub issue) is an issue that is created because it will be shared with people who don't need to know all the details of the main issue you are working on. Rather it has a very specific call to action, that will keep the people who you need to respond to it on track with the deliverable you are asking for. For instance, Google Form design - Gather Hack for LA examples


Examples GCF Global A template is a predesigned document you can use to create documents quickly without having to think about formatting. With a template, many of the larger document design decisions such as headings and footers, margin size, font style and size, and spacing are predetermined.


Sort Merriam Webster, 2 The assigning of priority order to projects on the basis of where funds and other resources can be best used, are most needed, or are most likely to achieve success.


At Hack for LA we use GitHub WIKIs to store information about projects for the volunteers and sometimes for external parties when the team does not yet have a website. See for an example of a WIKI that is both internal and external (internal information is under volunteers, all other sections are for external audiences and eventually will be moved to the website that team will build).

Here is how GitHub describes the purposes of a WIKI "Every repository on comes equipped with a section for hosting documentation, called a wiki. You can use your repository's wiki to share long-form content about your project, such as how to use it, how you designed it, or its core principles. A README file quickly tells what your project can do, while you can use a wiki to provide additional documentation. For more information, see"

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