Gathering Examples with Slack - hackforla/guides GitHub Wiki

Task Overview

You will search a team's slack channels and channel files to find examples for your guide issue.

When finished with this task, you will know:

  • Where to find a team's slack channel
  • How to access slack channel files
  • How to document your findings without losing access to them later


Copy the following block of instructions into the 'Tasks' section in your issue and select the green 'Update Comment' button to update the description. Follow the instructions in the set of checkboxes you just created.

- [ ] **Gathering Examples with Slack**
Follow the instructions from the slide deck Part 2: [Gathering Examples With Slack](
  - Remove the following labels from your issue as you complete them:
    - [ ] status: needs slack examples
    - [ ] Phase: 1 - Gather Examples Solo
  - Congrats! You have completed Part 2: Gathering Examples with Slack
    - [ ] Go to [Phase 2 - Gather Examples Collaboratively]( and copy and copy it below

End of phase 1, please click link to schedule your interview. Do not continue on to phase 2.

The next step is Phase 2 - Gather Examples Collaboratively.

You are currently in Phase 1 - Gather Examples Solo.