Gathering Examples with Github Search - hackforla/guides GitHub Wiki

Task Overview

You will use the GitHub search function to search for examples in Hack for LA repos that you did not find while checking the issues, project boards, and wikis of individual teams.

When finished with this task, you will know:

  • When it's useful to use GitHub search
  • How to use the search function at the repo and org levels
  • What basic search syntax can help you narrow down your search results


Copy the following block of instructions into the 'Tasks' section in your issue and select the green 'Update Comment' button to update the description. Follow the instructions in the set of checkboxes you just created.

- [ ] **Gathering Examples with Github Search**
Follow the instructions from the slide deck Part 1.5: [How to Use Github Search](
  - [ ] Complete the activities inside the deck
  - Congrats! You have completed part 1.5: How to Use Github Search. 
    - [ ] Go to [Gather Examples with Slack]( and copy it below

The next step in Gathering Examples is Gathering Examples with Slack.

You are currently in Phase 1 - Gather Examples Solo.