Instruction to contribute new dataset - gwcbi/GWDBB GitHub Wiki

Steps to add new data set to the package and repository:

  1. Create a wiki page for your dataset including items described at Data organization.

This can be done by creating a page under wiki and coping text from an existing page that has similar content as what you are designing.

Click on the target page and used edit mode to copy the markdown format and paste it on your new page and start editing it.

  1. Add an item link in the table of content under Dataset section.

Use Edit mode and add a new item under Datasets and add the URL on the wiki page there.

  1. Prepare your dataset to be added to the GWDBB R Package.

Either use raw data + script to read it or .rda file

  1. Add your analyses on the wiki page.

Have an introduction to a set of main analyses.

This can be expanded in the classroom or research.