Blockchains - guydavis/machinaris GitHub Wiki

Blockchains Page

The Blockchains page of the Machinaris WebUI shows the synchronization state of each blockchain you are farming. You can view the blockchain log by clicking the icon on the far right. As well, if your blockchain's fullnode is having problems staying synced, you can see if others on the network are as well, by checking the blockchain status from AllTheBlocks, green means synced, white is unable to reach ATB, while yellow means no-sync.

Blockchain Pricing

Regular price quotes are pulled from the following sources/exchanges. The recent price of a blockchain is the averaged value of those results. Roll your mouse over an averaged price to see a tooltip showing which sources and values were used to compute the average. Sources include:

NOTE: Inclusion in the list above is not an endorsement by the author of Machinaris in these sources/exchanges. They are simply a sampling of data points to gather an estimated price for each blockchain's coin. You must be diligent in selecting exchanges when trading coins.

Fiat Conversion

Sources above provide an estimate of blockchain pricing in USD$. To convert to your preferred local currency from USD$, Machinaris uses CoinGecko exchange rates. As always, these values are simply estimates.

Blockchain Locations

The blockchain (and wallet) databases for each fork are held in the appdata folder for each Machinaris container, when run as mode=fullnode (default). Some examples on disk:

  • Chia container: ~/.machinaris/mainnet/
  • Flax container: ~/.machinaris/flax/mainnet/
  • Chives container: ~/.machinaris/chives/mainnet/

When starting with a fresh install of Machinaris, there are 3 ways to get your blockchain database up to fully synced. When synced you will be able to farm plots. By default, the standard sync occurs via connections to peers on the blockchain network.

Blockchain Sync

The default option to sync a blockchain database from the start of the chain, the standard sync proceeds by connecting to peers on the network, each providing small parts of the overall blockchain as it grows. This is much like the bittorrent protocol allows file downloads. Once fully synced and farming, this is also how the fullnode stays synced as transactions are added to the blockchain.

NOTE: This is the safest way to sync your blockchain. However, it can take days to complete from scratch, particularly for the large Chia blockchain.

Blockchain Import

For users migrating to Machinaris from another Chia installation, it is possible to use your own synced blockchain database instead. Alternatively, you can download the most recent blockchain DB database from Chia Network Inc. directly at

After initially launching Machinaris the first time, just stop the machinaris container and then:

rm -rf ~/.machinaris/mainnet/
cp /path/to/your/mainnet  ~/.machinaris/

Then start the Machinaris container again. The Chia farming services will use the blockchain and wallet dbs that you have copied over above, also saving days of syncing time.

An alternative to your own backup would be to download the blockchain database manually from using the direct link. Then:

rm -f ~/.machinaris/mainnet/db/*
cp ~/Downloads/blockchain_v2_mainnet.sqlite  ~/.machinaris/mainnet/db/chia/blockchain_v2_mainnet.sqlite

and restart the container to begin syncing near current time, not from 2021.

NOTE: This often works, but is not guaranteed to work. In particular, your database may not be cleanly copied or imported. If errors are encountered, please delete the ~/.machinaris/mainnet folder and perform a standard sync upon restarting Machinaris. You may also need to copy your old config.yaml file from the mainnet/config folder across, or at least the pool settings within it.

Detailed Example

Here's an even more detailed example for the Gold blockchain. In this case, the Gold DB must be downloaded via web-browser first:

docker-compose stop machinaris-gold
docker-compose rm -f machinaris-gold
rm -rf ~/.machinaris-gold
mkdir -p ~/.machinaris-gold/gold/mainet/db 
mv /PATH/TO/blockchain_v1_mainnet.sqlite ~/.machinaris-gold/gold/mainnet/db/
docker-compose up -d machinaris-gold
docker logs -f machinaris-gold

Then also watch the ~/.machinaris-gold/gold/mainnet/log/debug.log file as the blockchain starts. Add node peers via Machinaris WebUI (Connections page) to get over the missing connections issue some blockchains face.

Blockchain Download

A much faster alternative, often a few hours, is for Machinaris to download a fully synced blockchain database automatically on first launch. However, like any Internet file download, there are risks with this approach. For the Chia blockchain database, by far the largest, Machinaris will automatically download, using libtorrent, from

Other download sources can be found in each launch script. Currently these blockchains can DB download within Machinaris: BPX, Btcgreen, Cactus, Chia, Cryptodoge, Flax, HDDCoin, Littlelambocoin, Shibgreen, Staicoin, Stor, and Tad.

NOTE: By choosing 'Download New' for the 'Initial Blockchain' choice, you are acknowledging you understand and accept these risks.