Visual - gusenov/kb GitHub Wiki
- We need visual programming. No, not like that. by Sebastian Bensusan
- Trying to declare visual object with language tend to be awkward (because there’s too much typing and visual feedback is delayed). For 2d game, you usually want a level editor where you can manually move, rotate and position objects - with mouse. While having a language of this kind to describe some sort of visual structure can be a major pain to deal with, although it works great as some sort of data exchange format. So, unless you’re dealing with some sort of recursive structure (trees) or a fractal and language allows quick way to declare those kind of objects, I wouldn’t bother with declarative languages.
- RobinKa/netprints Visual programming for .NET inspired by Unreal Engine's Blueprints
- RobinKa/ObjectAlgebraExecutionGraphs Using object algebras to create extensible execution graphs in both their variants and behavior in C#