Предсказание оказалось пророческим: уже в 1940-х годах работы по созданию атомной бомбы привели к разрушительным последствиям.
1945: Антибиотики и устойчивость к лекарствам
Предупреждение Флемминга оказалось крайне актуальным, так как в XXI веке устойчивость к антибиотикам считается одной из крупнейших угроз общественному здоровью.
1980: Генная инженерия и рекомбинантная ДНК
Например, в 1999 году пациент Джесси Гелсингер умер во время клинических испытаний новых методов генной терапии, что привело к усилению мер предосторожности и замедлению прогресса в данной области.
2020: Редактирование генома и технология CRISPR-Cas9
3D workflows in Maya: add objects in space, modify them in a scene, change the color and attributes of assets, and group, duplicate, position objects in relation to each other
simple natural language commands
new realm of human-machine interfaces and no-code development
without having to navigate a series of menus
deep menu commands down to simple, natural sentences
One thing that will surpass the AI supercomputer, it's the supercomputing capacity that will be distributed across all the devices we carry and use throughout our lives
In the last two years, created 50X more GPU compute on Windows compared to the biggest AI supercomputer
World where every Windows computer will draw on the combined power of CPUs, GPUs, NPUs and even a new coprocessor Azure compute
In this hybrid, cloud-to-edge world you will be able to do
large-scale training in the cloud
and do inference at the edge, and have the fabric work as one.
Build cloud-native applications with these rich AI models where they can offload for local inference wherever NPUs are available
You should be able to optimize for the device and the local capability you have
Hybrid Loop - cross-platform development pattern for building AI experiences that span the cloud and the edge
Allows you to make late-binding runtime decisions on whether to run inference on Azure or the local client
Can dynamically shift the load between client and cloud
ONNX Runtime, Azure ML, AI toolchain
Project Volterra - Windows Dev Kit with an ARM CPU and NPU (and it includes native ARM64 Visual Studio and .NET support)
Neural processor with best-in-class AI computing capacity
Stackable design (for desktops and rack deployment)
Immersive experiences in gaming can help create community and connection
HoloLens, VR headsets
Transforming everything from telehealth, to remote maintenance, to collaborative design and training
Dissolving the walls between digital and physical participation
Build your own immersive worlds. Build your metaverse experience on Mesh (platform service in Azure)
The digitalization of people, places and things and their interactions
Industrial metaverse
helping companies optimize their operations, and automate, simulate, and predict every business function and process
brings distributed workforce together; remote experts can share their technical knowledge with not only one but multiple sites immediately speeding up troubleshooting
Digital Twins
With the digital twin, you can understand the issues and fix them remotely. Look into it in a virtual space.
Azure Percept (notice failures and breakdowns)
In the world of a complete metaverse all processes from development to design and testing can be executed in a virtual environment
Solution stackis a set of software subsystems or components needed to create a complete platform such that no additional software is needed to support applications.