Startup - gusenov/kb GitHub Wiki
- VentureBeat
- Премиальные инструменты самовыражения будут ведущей бизнес-моделью… Этот рынок на десятки, если не сотни миллиардов долларов.
- Google Ventures
- / «Вы проиграете, если станете как они»: советы основателя Todoist по конкуренции с Google, Microsoft и Apple
- / Директор по продукту Spotify: «Наше преимущество в том, что мы работаем только над одним продуктом»
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- Y Combinator
- Hacker News / Show is for something you've made that other people can play with.
- Requests for Startups
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- YC Blog
- YC's latest Request for Startups by Dalton Caldwell (2/14/2024)
- Request for Startups: Climate Tech by Y Combinator (12/15/2022)
- Responding to COVID-19 by Jared Friedman (3/25/2020)
- Request for Startups: Government 2.0 by Michael Seibel (5/21/2019)
- Frontier Carbon Removal Technologies by Sam Altman (10/23/2018)
- Updated Request for Startups by Kat Mañalac (3/6/2018)
- Request for Education Startups by Karen Lien (9/19/2017)
- Request for Startups: News, Jobs, and Democracy by Y Combinator (1/31/2017)
- Request for Startups: Water by Y Combinator (1/3/2017)
- New Requests for Startups by Sam Altman (9/12/2014)
- New RFS: One Million Jobs by Sam Altman (7/2/2014)
- / Which Universities Produce the Most Startup Founders?
Side Hustle
- CNBC International Business, World News & Global Stock Market Analysis
- The US Sun
- Side Hustle School
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- As a service
- Category:Venture capital firms of the United States
- Минимально жизнеспособный продукт
- Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal by Nick Bilton
- Открытое образование
- Indie Bites Short, bite-sized conversations (15 mins) with indie hackers that have started small, profitable and bootstrapped businesses.