Modelis an informative representation of an object, person or system.
Модель— система, исследование которой служит средством для получения информации о другой системе; представление некоторого иного процесса, устройства или концепции - оригинала.
For defining metamodels, MOF plays exactly the role that EBNF plays for defining programming language grammars. MOF is a Domain Specific Language (DSL) used to define metamodels, just as EBNF is a DSL for defining grammars. Similarly to EBNF, MOF could be defined in MOF.
Aggregatecollection of objects that are bound together by a root entity, otherwise known as an aggregate root. The aggregate root guarantees the consistency of changes being made within the aggregate by forbidding external objects from holding references to its members
C4 modelis a lean graphical notation technique for modelling the architecture of software systems.
Complexitycharacterises the behaviour of a system or model whose components interact in multiple ways and follow local rules, leading to nonlinearity, randomness, collective dynamics, hierarchy, and emergence.
Petri netis one of several mathematical modeling languages for the description of distributed systems. It is a class of discrete event dynamic system.
Petri Net Markup Languageis an interchange format aimed at enabling Petri net tools to exchange Petri net models.
Vector addition systemis one of several mathematical modeling languages for the description of distributed systems.
Business process modeling (BPM)in business process management and systems engineering is the activity of representing processes of an enterprise, so that the current business processes may be analyzed, improved, and automated.
Sensitivity analysisis the study of how the uncertainty in the output of a mathematical model or system (numerical or otherwise) can be divided and allocated to different sources of uncertainty in its inputs.
Service-oriented modelingincludes a modeling language that can be employed by both the "problem domain organization" (the business), and "solution domain organization" (the information technology department)
SoaMLdescribing a UML profile and metamodel for the modeling and design of services within a service-oriented architecture.
Logic modelare hypothesized descriptions of the chain of causes and effects leading to an outcome of interest (e.g. prevalence of cardiovascular diseases, annual traffic collision, etc).
Model-based specificationis an approach to formal specification where the system specification is expressed as a system state model.
Model transformation languagein systems and software engineering is a language intended specifically for model transformation.
Model order reductionis a technique for reducing the computational complexity of mathematical models in numerical simulations.
Model selectionis the task of selecting a model from among various candidates on the basis of performance criterion to choose the best one.
Grey box modelcombines a partial theoretical structure with data to complete the model.
Parameter spaceis the space of possible parameter values that define a particular mathematical model, often a subset of finite-dimensional Euclidean space.
Anchor modelingis an agile database modeling technique suited for information that changes over time both in structure and content.
Якорная модельтехнология моделирования хранилищ данных, подходящая для информации, которая со временем изменяется как по структуре, так и по содержанию.
Epsilonis a family of scripting languages and tools for automating common model-based software engineering tasks such as code generation, model-to-model transformation, model validation and model visualisation, that work out of the box with EMF (including Xtext and Sirius), UML (including Cameo/MagicDraw), Simulink, XML and other types of models.
Flexmiis a reflective textual syntax for EMF models.
This talk describes techniques that use model checking and symbolic execution for test input generation. Abstract state matching is used to avoid generation of redundant inputs. The techniques handle complex data structures, arrays, as well as multithreading, and generate optimized test suites that satisfy user-specified testing coverage criteria. The techniques are applicable to both (executable) models and to code, and can be used in black box or white box fashion. We have applied the techniques to generate test sequences for object-oriented code and to generate test vectors for NASA software.
Prism: a probabilistic symbolic model checker
PRISM model checkeris a probabilistic model checker, a formal verification software tool for the modelling and analysis of systems that exhibit probabilistic behaviour.
TLA+ model checker by Leslie Lamport (winner of the 2013 Turing Award and the inventor of Paxos and LaTeX)
TLA+used for designing, modelling, documentation, and verification of programs, especially concurrent systems and distributed systems.
AlloyMC: Alloy meets model counting(Proceedings of the 28th ACM Joint Meeting on European Software Engineering Conference and Symposium on the Foundations of Software Engineering)