Math - gusenov/kb GitHub Wiki
- 3Blue1Brown
- BetterExplained – Math lessons that click
- 1С
- Математические этюды
- Cymath
- Думай как математик. Как решать любые проблемы быстрее и эффективнее (Барбара Оакли) - 288 стр.
- Steven Brunton (teaches math to engineers)
- EnjoyMathematics
- Discovering novel algorithms with AlphaTensor AlphaZero разработала новые, более эффективные способы умножения некоторых математических матриц
- Visualizing Equalities by Fabrizio Espindola (The Unity Shaders Bible author)
- explains some math equations by developing tools in Unity
- Encyclopedia of Mathematics
- Фокcфорд.Учебник / Математика
- nLab / mathematics
- Художественные работы А.Т.ФОМЕНКО
for Programmers
- Math for Programmers. 3D graphics, machine learning, and simulations with Python by Paul Orland - 688 pages
- DEV Community / Why we need MATH for Programming (10 math concepts)
for Data Science
- Essential Math for Data Science. Take Control of Your Data with Fundamental Linear Algebra, Probability, and Statistics by Thomas Nield - 347 pages
Problems, open problems
- Wikipedia
- Телеканал "Наука" / Математики разгадали «задачу о незнакомцах», над которой ученые бились почти 100 лет
- Код / Нерешённые математические задачи, на которых можно заработать
- Тайны цифр: погружение в мир нерешенных задач математики
- Почему стоит решать математические задачи перед сном? сон после обучения способствует лучшему запоминанию
- Template:Areas of mathematics
- Metamathematics is the study of mathematics itself using mathematical methods.
- Foundations of mathematics is the study of the philosophical and logical and/or algorithmic basis of mathematics, or, in a broader sense, the mathematical investigation of what underlies the philosophical theories concerning the nature of mathematics.
- Template:Foundations-footer Major topics in Foundations of Mathematics
- Intuitionistic type theory is a type theory and an alternative foundation of mathematics.
- Infinite divisibility
- Arity
- Fields Medal
- Template:Matrix classes
- Matrix normal distribution is a probability distribution that is a generalization of the multivariate normal distribution to matrix-valued random variables.
- Matrix t-distribution is the generalization of the multivariate t-distribution from vectors to matrices.
- Транспонированная матрица матрица, полученная из исходной матрицы заменой строк на столбцы.
- Invariant (mathematics)
- Sigmoid function
- Шаблон:Векторы и матрицы
- Шаблон:Математическое ПО
- Permutation
- Finite element method
- Category:Finite element software
- Category:Decomposition methods
- Partition of a set
- Power set
- Cardinality of a set is a measure of the number of elements of the set.
- Mathematical structure is a set endowed with some additional features on the set (e.g. an operation, relation, metric, or topology).
- Voronoi diagram is a partition of a plane into regions close to each of a given set of objects.
- Self-similarity
- Monomial a polynomial which has only one term.
- Category:Systems of set theory
- Recreational mathematics
- Треугольник Серпинского
- Шаблон:Геометрические закономерности в природе
- Шаблон:Кривые
- Шаблон:Фракталы
- Barnsley fern
- Linear map is a mapping V → W between two vector spaces that preserves the operations of vector addition and scalar multiplication.
- Quaternary numeral system
- MATLAB is a proprietary multi-paradigm programming language and numeric computing environment
- GNU Octave is a scientific programming language for scientific computing and numerical computation.
- Structuralism (philosophy of mathematics) is a theory in the philosophy of mathematics that holds that mathematical theories describe structures of mathematical objects.
- Mathematical object is an abstract concept arising in mathematics.
- / 120 Free Online Math Courses from the World’s Top Universities
- ossu/math Path to a free self-taught education in Mathematics
- How to Become a Pure Mathematician
- Blogger
- Elementary Stuff: Here is a list that helps you to refresh and enrich your high school mathematics.
- Geometry
- Elementary Euclidean Geometry: An Undergraduate Introduction by C. G. Gibson
- amazon - 192 pages
- Foundations of geometry for university students and high-school students by Ruslan Sharipov
- View PDF - 221 pages
- Basic Geometry by George D. Birkhoff, Ralph Beatley
- amazon - 294 pages
- Geometry and Its Applications by Walter A. Meyer
- amazon - 560 pages
- Elementary Euclidean Geometry: An Undergraduate Introduction by C. G. Gibson
- Algebra and Trigonometry
- Basic mathematics: Lecture notes covering basic algebra and trigonometry by THOMAS WARD - 23 pages
- Lecture Notes on Algebra and Trigonometry by Jerry Alan Veeh - 86 pages
- Basic Algebra and Trigonometry Notes by Bruce Ikenaga
- Algebra and Trigonometry by Judith A. Beecher, Judith A. Penna, Marvin L. Bittinger
- amazon - 1008 pages
- Algebra
- Ossifrage and Algebra by David A. SANTOS - 131 pages
- College Algebra by Ken Kubota
- Higher Algebra by S. Barnard, J. M. Child
- amazon - 585 pages
- Trigonometry
- a short course on trigonometry by David E. Joyce
- Inequalities
- A < B (A is less than B) by Kiran S. Kedlaya - 37 pages
- Olympiad Inequalities by Thomas J. Mildorf - 34 pages
- Elementary Mathematics by WWL Chen and XT Duong
- Basic Concepts of Mathematics by Elias Zakon - 198+x pages
- A Course in Pure Mathematics by Gow M.M. - Contains exercises taken from British Universities exams.
- Arithmetic Lecture Notes by Santos D.
- Precalculus by David A. Santos - 319 pages
- Geometry
- Elementary Stuff: Here is a list that helps you to refresh and enrich your high school mathematics.
- Хабр / Математика для взрослых. Дорожная карта от выпускника Хармфульского клуба математики
- Textbooks in Mathematics
- / Академическая и специальная литература / Математика
- / 120 Free Online Math Courses from the World’s Top Universities
- Mathematics Stack Exchange
- MathOverflow
- Mathematica Stack Exchange
- Mathematics Educators Stack Exchange
- History of Science and Mathematics Stack Exchange
- O’Reilly
- Math Without Numbers by Milo Beckman
- Visualizing Mathematics with 3D Printing by HENRY SEGERMAN
- Visualizing quaternions by ANDREW J. HANSON
- Real-Life Math by K. Lee Lerner and Brenda Wilmoth Lerner
- Math for Real Life. Teaching Practical Uses for Algebra, Geometry and Trigonometry by JiM Libby - 212 pages
- Learning and Teaching Mathematics using Simulations. Plus 2000 Examples from Physics by Dieter Röss - 238 pages
- Simulation and Gaming for mathematical education: Epistemology and Teaching Strategies by Angela Piu, Cesare Fregola
- / Разгадка √2: от кризиса к триумфу математической мысли
- / Почему 2 — лучшее число: cекреты от гениального математика
- / Тайный код Вселенной: Как число 137 управляет мирозданием
- MIT Technology Review / Is this number prime? There’s a game for that.
- / The biological blueprint of arithmetic: Unveiling the connection between evolutionary perception and mathematics
- Wikipedia
- Barycentric coordinate system location of a point is specified by reference to a simplex (a triangle for points in a plane, a tetrahedron for points in three-dimensional space, etc.)
- Courses
- Открытое образование
- Геометрия и группы понимание сути математики - то есть её геометрического воплощения. И в первую очередь это изучение свойств фигур, инвариантных относительно действия некоторой группы преобразований.
- Открытое образование
- Т—Ж / «Трудно учиться по хорошей, но скучной книге»: как я пишу учебники по геометрии
- Geometry to Algebra and Back Again
- YouTube / "From Geometry to Algebra and Back Again: 4000 Years of Papers" by Jack Rusher
- / Mathematicians Are Building the Perfect Periodic Table of Shapes
- Geometric Constructions Game with Straightedge and Compass
- MIT News / A computer scientist pushes the boundaries of geometry
- / Математики открыли новую геометрическую форму
Algebraic geometry
- YouTube / Aleph 0 / What is algebraic geometry?
Analytic geometry
- Courses
- Открытое образование
Computational geometry
Combinatorial geometry
- Wolfram MathWorld / Combinatorial Geometry
Differential geometry
- Wikipedia
- Differential geometry is a mathematical discipline that studies the geometry of smooth shapes and smooth spaces, otherwise known as smooth manifolds.
Discrete differential geometry
- Wikipedia
- Discrete differential geometry is the study of discrete counterparts of notions in differential geometry. Instead of smooth curves and surfaces, there are polygons, meshes, and simplicial complexes. It is used in the study of computer graphics, geometry processing and topological combinatorics.
- YouTube / Lecture videos for an intro course on Discrete Differential Geometry at Carnegie Mellon University (15-458)
- Course notes on Discrete Differential Geometry, covering Laplace operators, parametric surfaces, discrete mappings, conformal geometry, and optimal transport
- The Origins of Trigonometric Functions (sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, secant, and cosecant) by Sunny Labh
- YouTube
- iXBT / Математика и лабиринты: как найти выход из любой головоломки с помощью топологии
- YouTube / Physics for the Birds / The Topological Problem with Voting
- Cantor’s Paradise / The Topology of Matrix Multiplication Is Beautiful by Kasper Müller
Mathematical analysis
- Wikipedia
- Major topics in mathematical analysis
- Principles of Mathematical Analysis colloquially known as "PMA" or "Baby Rudin," is an undergraduate real analysis textbook written by Walter Rudin.
- Calculus Made Easy, by Silvanus P. Thompson, 1910
- Calculus. A Guide to Developing Lasting Intuition by Kalid Azad
- Зорич «Математический анализ»
- Courses
- YouTube / The Math Sorcerer / The Easiest Calculus Book In The World
- Courses
Differential equations
- Courses
Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
- Ю.В. Прохоров, Л.С. Пономаренко, Лекции по теории вероятностей и математической статистике
- Гмурман В.Е. Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика
- Introduction to Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes by Hossein Pishro-Nik
Probability theory
- Wikipedia
- Rule of succession used, particularly to estimate underlying probabilities when there are few observations or events that have not been observed to occur at all in (finite) sample data.
- Боровков А.А. Теория вероятностей
- Courses
- Открытое образование
- / Простая формула, меняющая мир: как теорема Байеса помогает нам заглянуть в будущее
- Wikipedia
- Template:Statistics
- Шаблон:Среднее
- Категория:Средние величины
- Template:Quantitative forecasting methods
- Moving average is commonly used with time series data to smooth out short-term fluctuations and highlight longer-term trends or cycles.
- Скользящая средняя обычно используются с данными временных рядов для сглаживания краткосрочных колебаний и выделения основных тенденций или циклов
- Time series
- Категория:Анализ временных рядов
- Template:Statistical software
- OpenBUGS is a software application for the Bayesian analysis of complex statistical models using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods.
- Power law is a functional relationship between two quantities, where a relative change in one quantity results in a relative change in the other quantity proportional to a power of the change, independent of the initial size of those quantities: one quantity varies as a power of another.
- YouTube
- Журнал «Код» / Что такое нормальное распределение и как оно предсказывает будущее
- Skillbox Media / Нормальное распределение (или распределение Гаусса): что это, от чего зависит и по какому закону работает
Queueing theory
- Wikipedia
- Queueing theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines, or queues.
- Теория массового обслуживания (теория очередей) раздел теории вероятностей, целью исследований которого является рациональный выбор структуры системы обслуживания и процесса обслуживания на основе изучения потоков требований на обслуживание, поступающих в систему и выходящих из неё, длительности ожидания и длины очередей. В теории массового обслуживания используются методы теории вероятностей и математической статистики.
- Категория:Теория массового обслуживания
- Queueing theory is the mathematical study of waiting lines, or queues.
- / Академическая и специальная литература / Математика / Теория вероятностей и математическая статистика / Теория вероятностей / Теория массового обслуживания (теория очередей)
O.R. (operations research, operational research)
- Wikipedia
- / Free College Algebra Course (with Python Code!)
- YouTube / @TheMathSorcerer / Super Hardcore Algebra
- The Grammar of Algebra by E. Justin Hills
- Wikipedia
- nLab
Linear algebra
- Wikipedia
- Template:Linear algebra
- Householder transformation is a linear transformation that describes a reflection about a plane or hyperplane containing the origin.
- Devpractice Team. Линейная алгебра на Python - 114 страниц
- Immersive Math This is a nice interactive free textbook on linear algebra
- Courses
- Открытое образование
- YouTube / @TheMathSorcerer / Linear Algebra in 4 Weeks
- A “Grammar Lesson” for Linear Algebra by E. L. Lady
- / A bird’s eye view of linear algebra: The measure of a map — determinant by Rohit Pandey
Numerical linear algebra / applied linear algebra
- OpenBLAS – это одна из реализаций библиотеки базовых подпрограмм линейной алгебры (BLAS) с открытым исходным кодом. Отличительной особенностью библиотеки, широко используемой в академической среде, является высокий уровень оптимизации кода под различные процессорные архитектуры. Другими словами, она позволяет «выжимать максимум» из каждого поддерживаемого процессора при ее использовании для выполнения операций с векторами и матрицами.
- Wikipedia
- Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra – Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares guides the reader through practical use-cases
Computer algebra / algebraic computation / symbolic computation
- Wikipedia
- Computer algebra
- Computer algebra system
- List of computer algebra systems
- Maxima (software) is a computer algebra system (CAS)
- Courses
- Открытое образование
Geometric algebra / real Clifford algebra
- Wikipedia
- Geometric algebra is an extension of elementary algebra to work with geometrical objects such as vectors.
- Comparison of vector algebra and geometric algebra
- Rigid Geometric Algebra
Group theory
- / Теория групп: как простая математика объясняет устройство вселенной
Mathematical optimization / mathematical programming
- Wikipedia
- Mathematical Optimization and Economic Analysis by Mikulás Luptácik - 294 pages
- Building and Solving Mathematical Programming Models. 50 Practical Examples by José Manuel García Sánchez - 401 pages
- The book presents the construction and resolution of 50 optimization problems, divided into five levels of difficulty, although assigning a level of difficulty is subjective in some cases. The first levels are dedicated toward problems oriented to learning the model construction methodology. The difficulty increases with the levels, up to the complex optimization environments presented in the last level. Despite this, understanding all the problems, including the last levels, is feasible after knowing the modeling methodology and progressing with analysis of the problems from the beginning.
- Optimization Methods in Business Analytics by James B. Orlin
Linear programming (LP) / linear optimization
- Wikipedia
- Linear programming is a method to achieve the best outcome (such as maximum profit or lowest cost) in a mathematical model whose requirements are represented by linear relationships.
- GitHub
Discrete optimization
Combinatorial optimization
- Wikipedia
- Combinatorial optimization
- Travelling salesman problem NP-hard problem in combinatorial optimization
- MIT OpenCourseWare / Mathematics / Combinatorial Optimization
- Papers With Code / Combinatorial Optimization
- Brilliant Math & Science Wiki / Combinatorial Optimization
- YouTube
Game theory
- The Evolution of Trust – an interactive guide to the game theory of why & how we trust each other
- Battleship. Optimal Sunk-cost Strategy
- Wikipedia
- Courses
- Открытое образование
- / курс по теории игр Стенфордского университета для IT-специалистов
- Wikipedia
- Problem-Solving Methods in Combinatorics. An Approach to Olympiad Problems by Pablo Soberón - 174 pages
- Courses
- Открытое образование
Mathematical logic
- Wikipedia
- GitHub
- Communications of the ACM / April 2014 / Formally Verified Mathematics
- one of the most significant advances in mathematical logic around the turn of the 20th century was the realization that ordinary mathematical arguments can be represented in formal axiomatic systems in such a way their correctness can be verified mechanically, at least in principle
- Courses
- Открытое образование
Numerical analysis
Rigorous computation
- Wikipedia
- Validated numerics, or rigorous computation, verified computation, reliable computation, numerical verification is numerics including mathematically strict error (rounding error, truncation error, discretization error) evaluation, and it is one field of numerical analysis.
- Interval arithmetic
- Boost Interval Arithmetic Library Extends the usual arithmetic functions to mathematical intervals.
- JuliaIntervals
- Interval arithmetic offers a mathematical framework to perform rigorous computations. This allows you to deal with numerical approximation errors or uncertainty in your model in a rigorous way.
- SageMath Open-Source Mathematical Software System
- Optimization Software
- Minds of Modern Mathematics
- IBM Research Blog / Free iPad App from IBM Reinvents Iconic '60s Era Exhibit on History of Mathematics
- WIRED / New IBM App Presents Nearly 1,000 Years of Math History
- The app is based on an original, 50-foot-long "Men of Modern Mathematics" installation created in 1964 by Charles and Ray Eames.
- you can always visit the large-scale timeline on display at the New York Hall of Science in Queens, NY and The Museum of Science in Boston, MA
- Wolfram
- MathWorks - Makers of MATLAB and Simulink
- Приложения в Google Play
- Stack Exchange
- reddit / math / Best program for creating educational math animations?
- Towards Data Science / How to Create Mathematical Animations like 3Blue1Brown Using Python
- Creating math animations in Python with Manim
- Convergence MAA's online peer-reviewed journal where history, mathematics, and teaching meet
- Mathematica: A World of Numbers... and Beyond
- Wikipedia
- Eames Office (design team)
- Men of Modern Mathematics The Eames Office produced the 12-foot timeline for IBM, who, for decades, distributed the teaching tool to schools across the nation.
- Vintage Men of Modern Mathematics A 1960s timeline of the math that shapes our world.
- Charles Eames Graphic Time Line on the History of Mathematicians -- Prepared For IBM (Barry Lawrence Ruderman Antique Maps Inc.)
- YouTube / The Math Sorcerer / Hardest Math Course
- r/math
- Hardest mathematics book?
- Algebraic Geometry, Hartshorne
- Real Analysis by Folland
- Rudin's book on real and complex analysis
- PDE by Evans
- "Set Theory: An Introduction to Independence Proofs" by Kenneth Kunen
- Thurston's "Three Dimensional Geometry and Topology"
- Baby Rudin
- Principles of Program Analysis by Flemming Nielson, Hanne R. Nielson, Chris Hankin
- Hardest mathematics book?
- / What is the most difficult text on mathematics?
- Principia Mathematica by Whitehead and Russell
- notebooks of Ramanujan
- Quora / What would you say are the hardest graduate textbooks in mathematics?
- UC Berkeley 2018 Fall MATH 225A Metamathematics taught by Thomas Scanlon
- uses Model Theory : An Introduction (Graduate Texts in Mathematics): 9781441931573 as a starting point.
- his notes Math 225A – Model Theory – Draft were documented by Martin Speirs.
- The next course is 2019 Spring MATH 225B Metamathematics taught by Antonio Montalban
- will use the textbook he is writing, see Computable Structure Theory: Within the arithmetic
- UC Berkeley 2018 Fall MATH 225A Metamathematics taught by Thomas Scanlon
- Skillbox Media / Наиболее востребованными среди российских учителей оказались математики 6 окт 2023
- Т—Ж / Как живет студент и репетитор по математике в Москве с доходом 160 000 ₽ 06.05.24
- Cambridge Day / Teach math like we teach music