Семантическая паутина состоит из машинно-читаемых элементов — узлов семантической сети, с опорой на онтологии. Благодаря этому программы-клиенты получают возможность непосредственно получать из интернета утверждения вида «предмет — вид взаимосвязи — другой предмет» и вычислять по ним логические заключения.
RDF is a directed graph composed of triple statements. An RDF graph statement is represented by: 1) a node for the subject, 2) an arc that goes from a subject to an object for the predicate, and 3) a node for the object. Each of the three parts of the statement can be identified by a URI. An object can also be a literal value. This simple, flexible data model has a lot of expressive power to represent complex situations, relationships, and other things of interest, while also being appropriately abstract.
Chrestomathyis a collection of selected literary passages (usually from a single author); a selection of literary passages from a foreign language assembled for studying the language; or a text in various languages, used especially as an aid in learning a subject.
Ontology learningis the automatic or semi-automatic creation of ontologies, including extracting the corresponding domain's terms and the relationships between the concepts that these terms represent from a corpus of natural language text, and encoding them with an ontology language for easy retrieval.
Ontology engineeringis a field which studies the methods and methodologies for building ontologies, which encompasses a representation, formal naming and definition of the categories, properties and relations between the concepts, data and entities.
Mereologyis the study of parts and the wholes they form.
Formal concept analysisis a principled way of deriving a concept hierarchy or formal ontology from a collection of objects and their properties.
Semantic spectrumis a series of increasingly precise or rather semantically expressive definitions for data elements in knowledge representations, especially for machine use.
Faceted classificationis a classification scheme used in organizing knowledge into a systematic order.
Empiricismis an epistemological theory that holds that knowledge or justification comes only or primarily from sensory experience.
Эмпиризмметод познания через ощущения, в котором знания могут быть либо представлены как описание этого ощущения, либо сведены к нему.
Cognitionis the "mental action or process of acquiring knowledge and understanding through thought, experience, and the senses".
Познаниесовокупность процессов, процедур и методов приобретения знаний о явлениях и закономерностях действительности.
Enterprise bookmarkingis a method for Web 2.0 users to tag, organize, store, and search bookmarks of both web pages on the Internet and data resources stored in a distributed database or fileserver.
Zettelkastenconsists of small items of information stored on paper slips or cards that may be linked to each other through subject headings or other metadata such as numbers and tags.
Цеттелькастен«ящики для заметок» — система ведения заметок и управления личными знаниями, используемая в исследованиях и учёбе
Reference management softwareis software that stores a database of bibliographic records and produces bibliographic citations (references) for those records, needed in scholarly research.
BibTeXis reference management software for formatting lists of references.
Classification scheme (information science)is the product of arranging things into kinds of things (classes) or into groups of classes; this bears similarity to categorization, but with perhaps a more theoretical bent, as classification can be applied over a wide semantic spectrum.