HPC - gusenov/kb GitHub Wiki
- Introduction to High Performance Scientific Computing Tons of useful info about high performance computing.
- The Score-P Project is a highly scalable and easy-to-use tool suite for profiling and event tracing of HPC applications.
- GitLab
- GitHub
- arXiv.org / An LLVM Instrumentation Plug-in for Score-P
- HPC Wiki High Performance Computing Information
- bwHPC Wiki High Performance Computing (HPC), Data Intensive Computing (DIC) and Large Scale Scientific Data Management (LS2DM)
- HLRS / Platforms wiki
- ServerNews.ru / Эрик Шмидт: будущие суперкомпьютеры США и Китая будут окружены пулемётами и колючей проволокой и питаться от АЭС 26.05.2024
- High-performance computing
- TOP500 most powerful non-distributed computer systems in the world.
- Category:Supercomputer benchmarks
- Category:Benchmarks (computing)