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Operations research


  • SAT4J the boolean satisfaction and optimization library in Java
  • MiniSat is a minimalistic, open-source SAT solver, developed to help researchers and developers alike to get started on SAT.

#SAT solvers

  • sharpSAT is a program that solves the #SAT problem.
  • Cachet Model Counting using Component Caching and Clause Learning
  • relsat by Roberto Bayardo
    • propositional satisfiability solver
  • c2d is a system that compiles CNF into d-DNNF (deterministic, decomposable negation normal form). d-DNNF is a tractable logical form that allows operations such as model counting, clausal entailment, and model enumeration and minimization to be performed in linear time. d-DNNF is also a strict superset of OBDD and is strictly more succinct than OBDD.

Emina Torlak
