Eames OfficeThe Eameses are among the most important American designers of the 20th century, best known for their groundbreaking contributions to architecture, furniture design, industrial design and manufacturing, and the photographic arts.
Do you think human creativity matters? Well, hmm. Most people don't spend a lot of time thinking about poetry. Right? They have a life to live, and they're not really that concerned until their father dies, they go to a funeral, you lose a child, somebody breaks your heart, they don't love you anymore, and all of a sudden, you're desperate for making sense out of this life, and, "Has anybody ever felt this bad before?". Or the inverse - something great. You meet somebody and your heart explodes. You love them so much, you can't even see straight. You know, you're dizzy. "Did anybody feel like this before? What is happening to me?" And that's when art's not a luxary, it's actually sustenance. We need it. And I believe that we are here on this star in space to try to help one another. Right? And first we have to survive, and then we have to thrive. And to thrive, to express ourselves, alright, well, here's the rub: we have to know ourselves. What do you love? And if you get close to what you love, who you are is revealed to you and it expands. For me, it was really easy. I did my first professional play. I was 12 years old. I was in a play called "Saint Joan" by George Bernard Shaw at the McCarter Theatre, and - boom! - I was in love. My world just expanded. And that profession - I'm almost 50 now - that profession has never stopped giving back to me, and it gives back more and more, mostly, strangely, through the characters that I've played. You know, a lot of people really struggle to give themselves permission to be creative. And reasonably so. I mean, we're all a little suspect of our own talent. I think that most of us really want to offer the world something of quality, something that the world will consider good or important. And that's really the enemy, because it's not up to us whether what we do is any good, and if history has taught us anything, the world is an extemely unreliable critic. The time of our life is so short, and how we spend it - are we spending it doing what's important to us? Most of us not. I mean, it's hard. The pull of habit is so huge, and that's what makes kids so beautifully creative, is that they don't have any habits, and they don't care if they're any good or not, right? They're not building a sandcastle going, "I think I'm going to be a really good sandcastle builder." They just throw themselves at whatever project you put in front of them - dancing, doing a painting, you know, building something. Any opportunity they have, they try to use it to impress upon you their individuality. It's so beautiful. So, if you want to help your community, if you want to help your family, if you want to help your friends, you have to express yourself. And to express yourself, you have to know yourself. It's actually super easy. You just have to follow your love.
первая функция связана с преобразованием реальности в процессе создания или рецепции художественного произведения
оно призвано показывать человеку идеал, к которому должен быть приведен окружающий мир со всеми его наличными несовершенствами
Компенсаторная функция
примирять его с действительностью
античное искусство основывалось на такой категории, как катарсис
Познавательная функция
Через искусство постигается конкретно-чувственное содержание жизни
Коммуникативная функция
искусство рассматривается как семиотическая система, а потому оно позволяет обмениваться смыслами и приходить к пониманию. Как и любой язык, любое искусство имеет свой код, свои правила «прочтения». Восприятие произведения обязательно предполагает обратную связь, в литературе, например, оно осуществляется в рамках схемы автор – текст – читатель. Здесь жизненный опыт автора и реципиента сталкиваются друг с другом, реализуя и обогащая содержание произведения.
Искусство способно приводить к единству отчужденных друг от друга людей и целые народы. Понимание искусства другого народа всегда было мостом между разными культурами, путем к мирному диалогу и сотрудничеству.
Артефакт(неологизм, от лат. ars — искусство + лат. factus — сделанный, т.е. «сделанный по законам искусства») — продукт творческой деятельности человека.
Артефакты в программировании — вспомогательные (как правило, созданные в процессе исполнения программного обеспечения) элементы продукта, так или иначе входящие в его состав.