Ragdoll physicsis a type of procedural animation used by physics engines, which is often used as a replacement for traditional static death animations in video games and animated films.
Live2Dcan be used to generate real-time 2D animations, usually anime-style characters, using layered, continuous parts based on an illustration, without the need of frame-by-frame animation or a 3D model.
Procedural animationis a type of computer animation, used to automatically generate animation in real-time to allow for a more diverse series of actions than could otherwise be created using predefined animations.
Процедурная анимациявид компьютерной анимации, который автоматически генерирует анимацию в режиме реального времени согласно установленным правилам, законам и ограничениям.
Live2Dis an animation technique used to animate static images—usually anime-style characters—that involves separating an image into parts and animating each part accordingly, without the need of frame-by-frame animation or a 3D model.