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  • Wikipedia
  • Mastering Bitcoin by Andreas M. Antonopoulos
  • Bitcoin Is The Language Of The Internet
    • If money is language, then bitcoin is English. It has a potential to scale that no other currency has.
    • Back then, gold was money, as were paper notes representing gold. You couldn’t send gold down the cable, however, nor paper. But you could send a promise.
    • According to myth, Adam Smith said, “All money is a matter of belief.” He had a point. Look at a £20 note (if you still use them) and you will see the words “I promise to pay the bearer.” Money is promissory.
    • Of course, promises disappear. But gold doesn’t. The two are quite different forms of money: one is belief, the other is real.
    • Today, the promises are recorded and exchanged between trusted third parties on computers. Millions, probably billions of promises are sent across the internet every second.
    • If you’re sending important promises, you need good communication tools. What is money, then, but a form of communication?
    • And what we do with our money communicates value, not just between buyer and seller, but across the economy. What is the price of something? What is its value? The answer is constantly being sent and received, digested and acted upon. The economy constantly, incrementally evolves and develops with each new signal: the how, why and when of what needs producing and where.
  • btcpayserver/btcpayserver: Accept Bitcoin payments. Free, open-source & self-hosted, Bitcoin payment processor.
  • Grokking Bitcoin by Kalle Rosenbaum - 480 pages
  • A Dissection of Bitcoin by Paul Huang - 146 pages
  • How the Bitcoin protocol actually works by Michael Nielsen



Layer 2: solve the scale, speed and cost inefficiencies of the layer 1 network

  • Mastering the Lightning Network. A Second Layer Blockchain Protocol for Instant Bitcoin Payments by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, Olaoluwa Osuntokun, and René Pickhardt
  • YouTube / Verifying Payment Channels with TLA+ by Matthias Grundmann
    • Bitcoin introduced a way to perform decentralized payments without a trusted third party.
    • However, Bitcoin does not scale in the number of transactions performed per second.
    • To improve on this, Payment Channel Networks have been proposed that allow parties to securely perform transactions off the blockchain:
      • Two parties create a payment channel by locking funds in a shared account on the blockchain.
      • Both parties keep the state of how the funds inside the channel are distributed between themselves.
      • The two parties can perform transactions off-chain by updating the ownership of the channel’s funds in their shared state.
      • Each party can close the channel at any time by publishing the latest state on the blockchain which will make the final balance available.
    • The security model of payment channels assumes the counterparty to be untrusted and adversarial.
      • A dishonest party might close the channel with a favorable outdated state.
      • A protocol for payment channels needs to ensure that such dishonest behavior can be punished.
      • More general, a payment channel protocol should guarantee that a party will finally receive its correct balance on the blockchain if it follows the protocol.


Portfolio Management









Централизованные биржи

Децентрализованные торговые площадки (DEX)



  • ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE for Non-Specialists by Peter Atrill and Eddie McLaney
  • Fundamentals of Corporate Finance by Stephen Ross and Randolph Westerfield and Bradford Jordan
  • Investments by Zvi Bodie and Alex Kane and Alan Marcus
  • Основы стохастической финансовой математики (А.Н.Ширяев)
    • Том 1. Факты Модели
    • Том 2. Теория




