Presentations - gunrock/essentials GitHub Wiki

IPDPS 2020, Dynamic Graphs on the GPU, May 2020. [slides | video]

FOSDEM 2020, Gunrock: High-Performance Graph Analytics for the GPU, Feb 2020. [slides | video]

GrAPL 2019, Graph Coloring on the GPU, May 2019. [slides]

GTC 2018, Latest Development of the Gunrock Graph Processing Library on GPUs, March 2018. [slides | video]

GTC 2018, Writing Graph Primitives with Gunrock, March 2018. [slides | video]

GTC 2016, Gunrock: A Fast and Programmable Multi-GPU Graph Processing Library, April 2016. [slides]

NVIDIA webinar, April 2016. [slides]

GPU Technology Theater at SC15, Gunrock: A Fast and Programmable Multi-GPU Graph processing Library, November 2015. [slides | video]

GTC 2014, High-Performance Graph Primitives on the GPU: design and Implementation of Gunrock, March 2014. [slides | video]