Step 1 - gunjandatta/spfx-forms GitHub Wiki

Create the SPFx project

We will be using Node Package Manage to manage our libraries.

Create the Project Folder

Create the project folder, by running the following command:

mkdir spfx-forms
cd spfx-forms

Create the SPFx Forms Extension

yo @microsoft/sharepoint

Enter the following options: (Use default option if not displayed below)

  • Solution Name: spfx-forms
  • Type of Solution: Extensions
  • Type of Extension: Form Customizer
  • Form Customizer Name: CustomForm
  • Framework: No Framework

Update Build Process


Update the SPFx package.json build process to include a package option.

    "scripts": {
        "build": "gulp bundle",
        "clean": "gulp clean",
        "package": "gulp clean && gulp build --ship && gulp bundle --ship && gulp package-solution --ship",
        "test": "gulp test"

Add SharePoint Framework w/ Bootstrap

Run the following command to add the gd-sprest-bs library.

npm i --save gd-sprest-bs

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