Feature List - guipace/SoarView GitHub Wiki
MVP - Minimum viable product
1. Live Application
- Application hosted on Heroku
2. User Account
- Users can create a new account
- Users can sign in to existing account
- Users can log out
- Application features only accessible to logged in users
- Application pre-populated with a demo user account
3. Flight Management
- A logged in user can upload a flight IGC file
- A logged in user can edit certain details of a flight
- A logged in user can delete his/her flights
4. Flight Viewer
- A logged in user can view anyone's flights
- Certain flight statistics are rendered on the page
- Flight tracks are rendered on a 2D map
5. Logbook
- Logbook serves as a user profile
- Contains all flights uploaded by the user
- Aggregates flight information
- A logged in user can comment on flights
- A logged in user can delete his/her comments
7. Production README
- Brief explanation of what the app is and does
- Link to live site
- Link to wiki docs
- Discussion of technologies used
- Discussion of two features that show off developer's technical abilities
- Discussion of both challenges faced and the solution found to solve them
- Code snippets to highlight the best code
Stretch Goals
1. Flight rendering & playback in 3D
- We would like to incorporate CesiumJS to allow a flight to be rendered and played back in 3D over the globe with satellite imagery and topography
2. Search
- A user can search for flights with keywords