Front end requirements - guerillatesters/TestResultDatabase GitHub Wiki

Use cases:

  1. Test manager views the results from the previous nights test run (results of testing nightly build).
  2. SW developer views the results of a failing unit test in order to find out where in the test sequence it failed.
  3. Test manager wants to spot at which baseline regression was introduced.
  4. Test coordinator wants a complete list of tests that are to be executed and check the status of test execution.
  5. Project manager want to view all results from a particular baseline in order to make a decision to pass a milestone and proceed further with the project.
  6. Test engineer makes a test report and emails the report to a partner outside the organization.

Based on these use cases the following requirements can be created:

Requirement tag Description
TRDB.FE.ReportCreation Users of the test result database must be able to create test reports according to their own criteria. (Related to TRDB.Views)
TRDB.FE.ReportSummary Users must be able to create test reports that show the results of tests over multiple SW/HW baselines. (Related to TRDB.Trending)
TRDB.FE.ReportOffline Users must be able to create test reports that can be viewed offline.

##Design choices##

The front end should be separated from the back end and should communicate through an API.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️