Back end API - guerillatesters/TestResultDatabase GitHub Wiki

Use cases:

  1. Front end requests all test results from last test run.
  2. Front end requests a list of all columns in the table (reflection).
  3. Front end requests a list of all failing tests from the last test run.
  4. Front end requests a list of all tests executed between midnight and 3am on HW config X.
  5. Front end requests a list of tests and results for the last 5 SW baselines.
  6. Front end requests a lists of tests and results that were executed by user X.
  7. Front end requests a summary of regression tests that were executed on system X.

Based on these use cases the following API can be created:

API command Description
ShowColumnNames Acts like reflection and returns the names of all columns in the database.
ReturnData Return a data table based on criteria specified by user.
⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️