OS_MGM - guercifzone/OS_MgM GitHub Wiki

A fake Operation System

A 3 years ago we programmed this project with some friends, as an idea to train and learn from each other ... The idea of the project is based on building a virtual device similar to the operating systems windows and linux, but the project will be on the browser so that it can be used on more than one platform ...

A server Node has been added to the project

  1. You need npm install npm @ latest -g 2.. You need npm install open is optional. I have programmed a Bat file to run the server and run the browser at the same time
  2. You need npm install express --save to display the project files on the server. You can run the files as http, but you need to define them completely
  3. You need npm install -g nodemon to reboot and test the project

The project contains a .bat file that launches the server and shortens the time

@echo rem node serv.js run the project in windows cmd set url="" start chrome %url% cd E:\OS_MgM rem the path of the project nodemon server.js loop: rs rem for nodemon restart go to loop:

To run the project on http state and dispense with express, just run the named server


Project contents:

  • You can move gadgets on the desktop just like a computer
  • You can measure the charger if you browse the project through a laptop or tablet
  • Play mp3 on browser and listen to audio clips
  • Daily existence and time measurement
  • Change the language
  • Search panel
  • Dynamically cute animated wallpaper
  • A check if internet connection has been added to find out whether or not the internet connection is available

Demo One Youtube

image 1

image 2

Are there any project suggestions?