2. APIs and Controller - gty929/IMAGician GitHub Wiki

Register and Login


Ask the user to input USERNAME and PASSWORD to create a new account in the system.

Requirement: USERNAME is unused.

  1. Generate FORM_DATA with USERNAME PASSWORD and send to the server via HTTPS @POST /accounts/create/.
  2. Finish if the server returns 200 OK; otherwise display the error and back to step 1.
  1. Generate FORM_DATA with USERNAME PASSWORD EMAIL PHONE_NUMBER FULLNAMEand send to the server via HTTPS @POST /accounts/edit/.
  2. Finish if the server returns 200 OK; otherwise display the error.
  • Back-end Endpoint: POST /accounts/create/

    This URL creates a new account for a user. The user's password will be salted and hashed before being stored in the database. After an account has been successfully created, the user will be automatically logged in.

  • Receives a json form data of:

    1. username, string: the username of the newly created account.
    2. password, string: the password of the new user.
    3. email, string (optional): the email address of the new user.
    4. phone_number, string (optional): the phone number of the new user.
    5. fullname, string (optional): the fullname of the new user.
  • If the username already exists, then abort 409.

  • Else, create the account, login the user by setting a session cookie, and return 200.

  • Back-end Endpoint: POST /accounts/delete/

    This URL deletes an existing account, and automatically logs out the user. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403.

  • Else, delete the account, logout the user by removing the session cookie, and return 200.

  • Back-end Endpoint: POST /accounts/edit/

    This URL edits the information an existing account. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • Receives a json form data of:

    1. password, string(optional): the new password of the user.
    2. email, string(optional): the new email address of the user.
    3. phone_number, string(optional): the new phone number of the user.
    4. fullname, string (optional): the fullname of the user
  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403

  • Else, update the account info and return 200


Ask the user to input USERNAME and PASSWORD to login to the system.

Requirement: user has registered.

  1. Send USERNAME PASSWORD to the server via HTTPS @POST /accounts/login/.
  2. Continue if the server returns 200 OK and COOKIE; otherwise display the error and back to step 1.
  3. Ask server for user's information via HTTPS @GET /accounts/info/.
  • Back-end Endpoint: POST /accounts/login/

    This URL logs in a user.

  • Receives a json form data of:

    1. username, string: username.
    2. password, string: password.
  • If the username doesn't exists or the salted password hash and the data stored in the database mismatches, then abort 403.

  • Else, login the user to that account by setting a session cookie, and return 200.

  • Back-end Endpoint: POST /accounts/logout/

    This URL logs out a user.

  • If the user hasn't logged in, nothing will happen.

  • Logout the user by removing the session cookie, and return 200.

  • Back-end Endpoint: GET /accounts/info/

    This URL returns the personal inforation of the logged in user.

  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403

  • Else, return a json of:

    1. created, string: the creation time of this account, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52"
    2. email, string: the email of the account
    3. fullname, string: the fullname of the account owner
    4. last_login, string: the time when this account was last logged in, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52"
    5. phone_number, string: the phone number of the user
    6. username, integer: the username of the user

Upload and Retrieval Image Info


Ask the user to select IMAGE from local storage and check the elements to be included in the PUB_INFO. The user may choose whether to encrypt the MSG.

Requirement: user has logged in. IMAGE is not tagged before.

  1. Generate a random number as TAG and call Steganographic SDK to encode TAG into IMAGE and get TAG_IMG. Abort if Steganographic SDK denies (IMG has been tagged).
  2. Call Steganographic SDK to calculate the CHECKSUM of TAG_IMG.
  3. If user asks for message encryption, call Crypto SDK to encrypt MSG.
  4. Generate FORM_DATA composed of chosen PUB_INFO MSG CHECKSUM TAG.
  5. Send COOKIE FORM_DATA to the server via HTTPS @POST /images/post_tag/.
  6. Output TAG_IMG if server returns 200 OK; else back to step 2 if server returns 409 Conflict; otherwise display the error and stop.
  • Back-end Endpoint: POST /images/post_tag/

    This URL receives and stores all the information of a tagged image. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • Receives a json form data of:

    1. tag, string: the tag embedded in the image, must be unique across all images.
    2. imgname, string: the name of the image.
    3. checksum, string: the SHA256 hash of the image.
    4. username_public, bool (optional): whether the username of the creator will be shown when others examine this image. Default false.
    5. fullname_public, bool (optional): whether the user's fullname will be shown when others examine this image. Default false.
    6. email_public, bool (optional): whether the user's email will be shown when others examine this image. Default false.
    7. phone_public, bool (optional): whether the user's phone will be shown when others examine this image. Default false.
    8. time_public, bool (optional): whether the upload time of this image will be shown when others examine this image. Default false.
    9. message, string: the enclosed message.
    10. message_encrypted, bool: true if the message is cyphertext, else false.
    11. file, file (optional): the enclosed file. If there is no enclosed file, there shouldn't be this field. Max size 16 MB, allowed extensions are 'png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'pdf', 'zip'.
  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403.

  • If another image is already using this tag, then abort 409.

  • If the field file exists in the request form, then store the file in the correct folder.

  • Store all the info and return 200.


Ask the user to select TAG_IMG from local storage and display the embedded information. User who owns secret key can read encrypted MSG.

Requirement: TAG_IMG has been tagged.

  1. Call Steganographic SDK to decode TAG from TAG_IMG. Stop if Steganographic SDK denies (STAMP_IMAGE hasn't been tagged or tag is damaged).
  2. Send TAG to the server via HTTPS @GET /images/get_tag/TAG/.
  3. Continue if the server returns 200 OK with FORM_DATA; otherwise abort.
  4. Call Steganographic SDK to calculate the checksum of TAG_IMG and compare with CHECKSUM and display warning if it fails.
  5. Display PUB_INFO on the screen.
  6. If the message is encrypted, call Crypto SDK to decrypt MSG with a user input secret key. Display MSG if Crypto SDK accepts the key; otherwise ask the user to retry.
  7. If the user click download button, ask the end server for uploaded file via HTTPS @GET /uploads/FOLDER/.
  • Back-end Endpoint: GET /images/get_tag/<string:tag>/

    This URL returns the public information of an image that has tag embedded.

  • Receives a tag from the url tag field (NOT from a json form)

  • If no image has the tag, then abort 404

  • Else, return a json of:

    1. authorized, bool: true when the user is logged in, and the user has been authorized by the creator or the user is the creator, else false.
    2. checksum, string: the checksum of the image.
    3. email, string: the email of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
    4. file, string: the name of the enclosed file. Empty string if no file was enclosed.
    5. folder, string: the folder where the enclosed file is stored in the server. Will be used in /uploads/<string:folder>/ endpoint. Empty string if no file was enclosed.
    6. fullname, string: the fullname of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
    7. imgname, string: the name of the image.
    8. message, string: the enclosed message.
    9. message_encrypted, bool: true if the message is cyphertext, else false.
    10. owner, string: the username of the creator.
    11. phone, string: the phone number of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
    12. tag, string: the tag of the image.
    13. time, string: the time when the info of image was stored, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52". Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
  • Back-end Endpoint: GET /uploads/<string:folder>/

    This URL returns the file stored in the folder. From the endpoint /images/get_tag/<string:tag>/, the user will receive the name of the enclosed file and the folder where that file is stored. The file will be the only file in that folder. This end point will return the file stored in that folder.

  • Receives a folder name from the url folder field (the folder name only, don't include the file name)

  • Log in not required.

  • If the folder doesn't exist, abort 404.

  • Else, return the file stored in that folder.

Usage Authorization

Requirement: user has logged in.

  1. When user open the app or drag the refresh line of "My creation", query the backend server for REQUEST sent to all IMG uploaded by the user via HTTPS @GET /images/my_creation/.
  2. Display all uploaded IMG if receive 200 OK; otherwise prompt the error.
  3. When user open a IMG ask the backend server for details via HTTPS @GET /images/my_creation/TAG/.
  4. Display all requests if receive 200 OK; otherwise prompt the error.
  5. When user click "see more" button, display the REQUESTER REQ_MSG. Wait for user to choose GRANT or REJECT.
  6. Generate FORM_DATA based on selected action and send to the backend server via @POST /requests/received_request/.
  7. Display the error if not receive 200 OK.
  1. If the user successfully retrievals the information of an image and taps the up right "contact author" button, ask the user for request MSG.
  2. Generate a FORM_DATA with TAG MSG and send to the server via HTTPS @POST /requests/post_request/.
  3. Display the error if not receive 200 OK.
  1. When user open the app or drag the refresh line of "Sent requests", query the backend server for REQUEST sent by the user via HTTPS @GET /requests/sent_request/.
  2. Display all requests if receive 200 OK; otherwise prompt the error.
  3. When user open a REQUEST, display its details.
  • Back-end Endpoint: GET /images/my_creation/

    This URL returns all the information (including the request information) of all the images created by the user. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403

  • Return a json that has only one element called result in it. The value of the result is an array of json. Each element of that array is in the form of:

    1. image, json of the form:
      1. checksum, string: the checksum of the image.
      2. email, string: the email of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      3. file, string: the name of the enclosed file. Empty string if no file was enclosed.
      4. folder, string: the folder where the enclosed file is stored in the server. Will be used in /uploads/<string:folder>/ endpoint. Empty string if no file was enclosed.
      5. fullname, string: the fullname of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      6. imgname, string: the name of the image.
      7. message, string: the enclosed message.
      8. message_encrypted, bool: true if the message is cyphertext, else false.
      9. num_pending, integer: the number of pending request for this image.
      10. owner, string: the username of the creator.
      11. phone, string: the phone number of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      12. tag, string: the tag of the image.
      13. time, string: the time when the info of image was stored, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52". Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
    2. requests, an array of json. Each element of that array is in the form:
      1. created: the time when this request was created, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52".
      2. id: the request id of this request.
      3. imgtag: the tag of the image that this request was sent to.
      4. message: the request message.
      5. status: status of the request: "REJECTED", "GRANTED" or "PENDING".
      6. username: the username of the requester.
  • The images in the array are in the order of most recently posted to least recently posted.

  • The requests in the array are in the order of most recently posted to least recently posted.

  • Back-end Endpoint: GET /images/my_creation/<string:tag>/

    This URL returns the information (including the request information) of one images created by the user. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • Receives the tag of the image from the url tag field (NOT from a json form).

  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403

  • If the img with the id doesn't exist or doesn't belong to the user, return 404

  • The return value is a json. The json is of the same form as one element in the result field of the return value of /images/my_creation/ endpoint

  • This URL returns the information (including the information of the image requested) of one request sent to the user. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • Receives the id of the request from the url reqid field (NOT from a json form).

  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403

  • If the request with the id doesn't exist or wasn't sent to the user, abort 404

  • The return value is a json of the form

    1. image, json of the form:
      1. checksum, string: the checksum of the image.
      2. email, string: the email of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      3. file, string: the name of the enclosed file. Empty string if no file was enclosed.
      4. folder, string: the folder where the enclosed file is stored in the server. Will be used in /uploads/<string:folder>/ endpoint. Empty string if no file was enclosed.
      5. fullname, string: the fullname of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      6. imgname, string: the name of the image.
      7. message, string: the enclosed message.
      8. message_encrypted, bool: true if the message is cyphertext, else false.
      9. owner, string: the username of the creator.
      10. phone, string: the phone number of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      11. tag, string: the tag of the image.
      12. time, string: the time when the info of image was stored, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52". Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
    2. request, a json of the form:
      1. created: the time when this request was created, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52".
      2. id: the request id of this request.
      3. imgtag: the tag of the image that this request was sent to.
      4. message: the request message.
      5. status: status of the request: "REJECTED", "GRANTED" or "PENDING".
      6. username: the username of the requester.
  • Back-end Endpoint: POST /requests/received_request/

    This URL processes one received usage request. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • Receives a json form data of:

    1. reqid, integer: the id of that usage request to be processed
    2. action, string: "GRANTED" or "REJECTED"
  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403.

  • If the request with the id doesn't exist or wasn't sent to the user, abort 404

  • Else, update the request, and return 200.

  • Back-end Endpoint: GET /requests/sent_request/

    This URL returns all the information (including the information if the requested image) of all the requests sent by the user. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403

  • Return a json that has only one element called result in it. The value of the result is an array of json. Each element of that array is in the form of:

    1. image, json of the form:
      1. checksum, string: the checksum of the image.
      2. email, string: the email of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      3. file, string: the name of the enclosed file. Empty string if no file was enclosed.
      4. folder, string: the folder where the enclosed file is stored in the server. Will be used in /uploads/<string:folder>/ endpoint. Empty string if no file was enclosed.
      5. fullname, string: the fullname of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      6. imgname, string: the name of the image.
      7. message, string: the enclosed message.
      8. message_encrypted, bool: true if the message is cyphertext, else false.
      9. owner, string: the username of the creator.
      10. phone, string: the phone number of the creator. Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
      11. tag, string: the tag of the image.
      12. time, string: the time when the info of image was stored, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52". Empty string if the creator didn't disclose this info.
    2. request, a json of the form:
      1. created: the time when this request was created, sample: "2022-03-13 04:15:52".
      2. id: the request id of this request.
      3. imgtag: the tag of the image that this request was sent to.
      4. message: the request message.
      5. status: status of the request: "REJECTED", "GRANTED" or "PENDING".
      6. username: the username of the requester.
  • The requests in the array are in the order of most recently requested to least recently requested.

  • Back-end Endpoint: GET /requests/sent_request/<int:reqid>/

    This URL returns the information (including the request information) of one request sent by the user. The user must be logged in to perform this operation.

  • Receives the id of the request from the url reqid field (NOT from a json form).

  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403.

  • If the req with the id doesn't exist or wasn't sent by the user, return 404.

  • The return value is a json. The json is of the same form as one element in the result field of the return value of /requests/sent_request/ endpoint.

  • Back-end Endpoint: POST /requests/post_request/

    This URL sends one usage request to an image.

  • Receives a json form data of:

    1. imgtag, string: the tag of the image requested .
    2. message, string: the request message.
  • If the user hasn't logged in, then abort 403.

  • If the imgid doesn't exist, abort 404.

  • Else, store this request information, mark the status as "PENDING", and return 200.

Third Party SDK(s)

We use Cryptography SDK on the front end for message encryption and decryption. The algorithm is implemented and called in Extensions.kt.

AES Encryption/Decryption


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