Tilesets - gtrxAC/gxarch GitHub Wiki

Default tileset

assets/tileset.png is used as the default tileset for programs which don't have their own tileset image. It contains the default font, which is compatible with print.gxs, using parameters from default_font.gxs.

It also has all the colors of the default color palette on the last column (X 127), used for drawing single pixels with the draw syscall and as a background color with the clearX and clearY registers.

There is also assets/tileset2.png which is fully compatible with the default tileset but has black borders around all characters to make them more visible with light backgrounds. It is not used by default but can be used as a base for custom tilesets.

Custom tilesets

Using a custom tileset is recommended for anything other than a simple text-based program. The image can be up to 128 × 128 pixels and up to 16 colors (transparent counts as a color). It should be named the same as your program, in the same folder, but with .png file extension instead of .gxa.