Getting Started - gtaylor/django-eve-db GitHub Wiki

Getting Started


django-eve-db depends on the following:

  • Python 2.6+ (but not 3.x)
  • Django 1.4

Choosing an RDBMS

django-eve-db is seeing the most time developed and deployed under Postgres. While in theory it shouldn't matter what you run it on, there are subtle differences that can get in the way. Currently, we can only verify with certainty that django-eve-db runs as intended on Postgres and SQLite. MySQL has a limitation or two that will raise some hurdles during initial installation (index name length limitations is the big one).

If you're able to run Postgres, we highly recommend it. SQLite will work in a pinch, and MySQL can be made to work with some effort.


Install django-eve-db via pip:

  pip install --upgrade git+

Next, add eve_db to your INSTALLED_APPS like so:



You will then want to run your project's script as such:

  python syncdb

This will create some tables if you're not using south. If you are using south, you'll also want to run this:

  python migrate

Downloading the data dump

You can simply pull our latest supported SQLite data dump from our downloads page:

You'll want to copy and extract this to the same location as your script.

Importing the Data Set

You should now have an extracted *.db3 file. The next thing to do is import the data from the CCP dump. Run the following command via

python eve_import_ccp_dump rubicon112.db

NOTE: This will take a good while. The good news is, you should only have to do it once.

If you want to selectively import tables, see the --help for a few different options:

python eve_import_ccp_dump --help


You should be ready to go now. Documentation is extremely sparse right now, but referring to the automatically generated docs via Django's admin interface should point you in something resembling the right direction.

⚠️ ** Fallback** ⚠️