TODO - gta-chaos-mod/ChaosModV GitHub Wiki
Effect profiling
Ability to override submission effect attributes using the effect config windowDONE -
Optimizing script evaluation by utilizing parallelismDONENatives aren't thread-safe so that needs a solutionPerhaps somehow detect if natives are being called during evaluation phase and schedule to main thread- UPDATE: Scripts now use the same Lua state with different environments, making evaluation of hundreds of scripts near instant whilst also only utilizing a single thread
YouTube viewer voting support
- Work already done at, just needs testing + integration
Ahead of time pattern scanningDONECurrent lazy approach causes stutterEvaluate patterns during mod startup for Release builds and keep lazy evaluation for Debug for shorter loading times maybe?Or cache offsets (mapped to patterns) and invalidate on different game build- Current (mostly working) solution: Run pattern scans in separate thread and pause current fiber until completion
- This works for effect fibers (where this is primarily the problem)
Tests of some sort
- Not sure what and how exactly yet
Config presets
- Export and Import
- Workshop support
- Merging single attributes to existing config, useful for e.g. effect name translations
More comments and documentation
- Good and bad practices for effect development
Subsystems for different RAGE games
- Maybe this will live on to support GTA VI as well, who knows