Feature Flags - gta-chaos-mod/ChaosModV GitHub Wiki
Feature Flags allow you to enable mod features which are either experimental or made primarily for developers. You can enable any of those by creating a file with the corresponding name inside the chaosmod
Available Flags
: Skips the intro + legal screens on game startup (breaks bink playback)
: Disables the loading of dlcs (will cause some issues with animations)
: Generate fulldumps instead of minidumps on game crash
: Creates a console which will show any mod logs
: Disables the voting proxy console on debug builds
Since v2.0
: Enables access to the web panel to interact with the mod, accessible through https://gopong.dev/chaospanel/ (currently breaks shv reloading with CTRL + R without disabling the mod with CTRL + L beforehand)
: Clears the log file on mod reset, restoring the behavior from the mod versions before v1.11.4
: Do not generate any crash dumps
: Block components specified inside the file from running. Use a new line for each entry. The list of component names can be found here
: Block hooks specified inside the file from running. Use a new line for each entry. The list of hook names can be found inside the source files listed here in the RegisterHook
declarations. Changes will only take effect after completely restarting the mod (either through shv hot reloading or a game restart).
Since v2.1
: Prevents built-in effects from registering, allowing only effects registered through custom scripts. Requires either a game restart or shv mod reload to take effect.
Since v2.2
: Allow calling natives during script evaluation, matching the previous behaviour
Deprecated Flags
: NOT REQUIRED ANYMORE SINCE v1.6! Enable twitch voting & show twitch tab in config utility
: DISABLED SINCE v1.5! Use Twitch polls for voting
: NOT REQUIRED ANYMORE SINCE v1.10.3! Force enable Failsafe feature regardless of build version