User Documentation - gs2-2/paper.hub GitHub Wiki

The platform paper.hub was developed at the University of Münster as a project in "Geosoftware 2" by Antonia van Eek, Norwin Roosen, Jan Suleiman, Nico Steffens and Lasse Einfeldt. It provides interactive visualization of graphics and maps for the publication of scientific papers. paper.hub was developed for reading, as well as distributing your own scientific papers.

Getting started

On the paper.hub landingpage a list of all available publications is displayed. The list is sorted by the order of release of the papers. Title and author of the scientific papers are provided as well.

Selecting and downloading a paper

You can choose a publication from the list by clicking it. This will redirect you to the paperpage of this publication. Click the "download"-button in the upper right corner if you want to download the paper.

Log in and log out

A login button is located in the upper right corner of the landingpage. You can choose to login with several services. paper.hub provides authentification via GitHub, Google and LinkedIn. Afer choosing your prefered service, you are redirected to the authentification page of the service - fill in your username and password for the service and confirm. You are now redirected to paper.hub with the authentification of your selected service. The authentificaton enables you to upload scientific papers to paper.hub. Once you have logged in you can logout with the "LOG OUT"-button in the upper right corner.

Upload a paper

If you are logged in you are able to upload a paper with the "ADD PAPER"-button in the upper right corner of the landing page.

Upload the "LaTeX-file"

In the appearing modal select the latex-file of your paper in the field "TeX-file" and additional files in the field "Other files", which are optional. Data for dynamic visualisation will be added later. Enter the mandatory title and author of the publication and an optional abstract in the fields below. If you have finished, press "UPLOAD" to start the upload of the new publication. This can take a few minutes.

Edit your scientific paper

When the upload has finished, you will be redirected to the editorpage. Don't worry, this can take some time. Click on a paragraph in the text to select it. For the selected paragraph you can choose data-files, that shall be displayed dynamically in the scientific paper. Select the file and choose the type of visualization, either "map" or "timeseries". You can add multiple datavisualisation by selecting different paragraphs. It is also possible to add multiple visualisations to the same paragraph by clicking it multiple times. You can delete just added visualisations by clicking "remove this visualisation" in the corresponding panel. Supported datatypes are: geotiff and tiff up to a size of 4 mb, geojson, json and RData-files containing zoo, xts and sp-objects. Having finished the editing of the publication, press "upload datasets". The data-files you have selected will be converted to widgets, that will be part of the publication. This might take some time as well.

Finished upload

When the upload is completed, you will be redirected to the paperpage of your newly uploaded paper. The publication is now available in the table of the landingpage.